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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Netherlands

ID #1527678733
Added Wed, 30/05/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
02.07.1905 22:00

The witness, a young man by the name of Sufian fell asleep as usual and in the middle of the night started to experience a strange vision. In this dream he saw himself lying in bed. Beside the bed stood a tall and slender female humanoid, about 1 meter. The lady was dressed in bright colored clothes; she had pale gray skin and long light blond hair, which hung down on his shoulders. She looked very healthy, with smooth skin. For some reason, the witness does not remember her features. Her hands and feet were naked, except for skin tone looked human.

Sufyan looked at this scene for a couple of seconds. Then without warning a figure came closer and seemed to seostyle hands into his body. He immediately felt excruciating pain, as if the lady moved the fin back and forth and broke them.

He felt the hands of this creature somehow entered his skin. He looked like he was struggling with what was happening, but felt that he was paralyzed. Severe pain continued. He tried to shout but could not shout, was just complete silence. The procedure seemed to be going on for a very long time, possibly a couple of hours, although Sufian says it might seem because of the pain.

Then suddenly it was all over. The lady disappeared, and he woke up from the shock. However, despite the traumatic experience he had just undergone, Sufian was soon asleep. In the morning he lay in bed, remembering what happened. He felt his lower ribs hurt. At first he was afraid to check, but after half an hour he examined his body for any marks or cuts. There was nothing there. He got up and went to work as usual.

The pain in his ribs lasted for several hours before finally seated. However, his ribs continued to feel sensitive to at least the next day.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The witness, a young man named Soufian (involved in other encounters) had gone to sleep as usual and during the middle of the night Soufian began to experience a strange ‘dream’. In this dream he saw himself lying down in bed. There was a tall and slender female humanoid figure standing alongside the bed, about 1 meter away. The lady was wearing light colored robes; she had pale gray colored skin and long pale blond/white hair which hung down to her shoulders. She looked very healthy, with smooth skin. For some reason Soufian does not remember her facial features. Her arms and lower legs were exposed, and other than the skin tone looked human. Soufian stared at this scene for a couple of seconds. Then without warning the figure was closer and appeared to have her hands down inside of his lower chest. He immediately felt excruciating pain, like the lady was moving his lower ribs back and forth and crushing down on them. From his current viewpoint he could not see whether or not his chest was actually opened up, but he feels that it wasn’t and that the hands of this being had somehow entered his skin. He watched himself struggling against what was taking place, but he felt that he was paralyzed and trapped. The intense pain continued. He tried shouting out but could not scream, there was just complete silence. The procedure seemed to go on for a very long time, possibly a couple of hours, although Soufian says that it could have been less but felt so long due to the pain. Then all of the sudden it was over. The lady vanished and he awoke with a shock. However despite the traumatic experience he had just undergone, Soufian soon drifted back off the sleep. In the morning he lay in bed remembering what had taken place. He could feel that his lower ribs were aching. At first he was frightened to check, but after about half an hour he looked over his body for any markings or cuts. There was nothing. He got up and went into work like normal. The aching pain in his ribs continued for several hours before finally dispersing. However his ribs continued to feel sensitive for at least another day.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Сонный паралич

  • In a moment, the man suddenly feels on top he bore down on something very hard and does not allow him to breathe, as if strangling.
  • Quite often people say that in that moment, when they sleep, they feel that they can move neither head, nor foot, nor arm, literally nothing. Among other things, a person becomes unbearable fear.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The state of sleep and dreams

Sleep is a natural physiological process of stay in a condition with minimal level of brain activity and reduced reaction to the world around us.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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