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Yeti. United States

ID #1529995820
Added Tue, 26/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Пагоса-Спрингс, CO
United States

From 23 to 24 June in the us state of new Mexico held its annual conference "Dulce Base UFO Conference" dedicated to UFOlogy, cryptozoology and other areas of study of anomalous phenomena. This event was first shown the above photo from a private collection, which, presumably, captured a real Bigfoot.

An anonymous resident of the municipality of Pagosa springs, Colorado, finally decided to share with the global community this photo taken in 2005 while horse riding near the territory of Jicarilla. In the picture you can see one of the participants travel near streams, and in the background among the trees you can see the massive anthropomorphic figure, which probably is the legendary Bigfoot (the monster from 1970-ies pesters a local tribe of Apaches, Jicarilla, killing and maiming the cattle of the Indians). An eyewitness said that the night before he and his comrades heard near their tents, loud breathing that could make any man nor any known to the official science animal.

American says that it has received the frame the next morning, but did not see while shooting is nothing unusual or suspicious. However, after development of the pictures, the man immediately noticed one of them away, approximately 45 metres, this huge silhouette.

Some participants suggest that it could be stood up on its hind legs a grizzly bear. Other cryptozoologists have concluded that it was the real's a Sasquatch.

In any case, the picture has become quite a remarkable event for participants of the conference "Dulce Base UFO Conference", thus demonstrating that the interest in Bigfoot among cryptozoologists (and indeed researchers of paranormal phenomena) does not subside. Sorry, still not received an unquestionable proof of the existence of Bigfoot.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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