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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1530632037
Added Tue, 03/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.09.1914 03:30
Харахусовский район, Калмыцкая область
Astrakhanskaya oblast

Witness Vasiliy Alexandrovich Sokolov, contractor for stone works, had stopped to spend the night in a small village. After drinking the tea early in the morning he continued on his way. He went into the yard, harnessed his horse, but did not go far, as a bright object like a star suddenly appeared in the sky.

The object began to increase in size, descending from a great height, moving along the slope. Soon the witness saw cigar-shaped body, outlined with bright light. The cylinder was brown, with bright light in front.

The Crescent moon shone and the stars were visible, and the sky was absolutely cloudless. Then the witness saw some sort of "outboard boat" under a cigar-shaped object, she was about 7 times smaller than the object. It was possible to see shadows of several men. There were six "men". Five of them were sitting and one was standing as he looked out above the rest.

The witness did not hear any noise or sound. The object was seen before him in the direction of the village Harajuku. Seeing this, the witness got scared and ran into the yard, screaming at the audience, so they went outside and watched the object.

Then a beam of light projected from a cigar-shaped object, flashing like lightning. He lit up a square area on the ground and temporarily blinded the witness. At the same time the object in the form of cigars turned perpendicular to the previous direction of flight. The light was dim and decreased in size.

During the rotation of the object at the stern of the ship was seen quickly moving the device.

The witness observed the object for about 10 minutes. Then the object turned and flew North, disappearing from sight. Sokolov was convinced that he saw some foreign airship. The official investigation was conducted by the President of the Kalmyk region B. Cristofovici. Authorities in St. Petersburg were concerned about the possible infiltration of German airships in the territory of Russia.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A witness named Vasiliy Alexandrovich Sokolov, contractor for stone works, had stopped to spend the night at the small village. After drinking tea, early in the morning he continued on his journey. He went to the yard, harnessed his horse, but did not get far away as a bright star-like object suddenly appeared in the sky. The object began increasing in size, descending from its high altitude moving in a declining trajectory. Soon he began to make out a cigar-shaped body, outlined in a bright light. The cylinder was brown in color, with a bright light on the front. The half moon was shining and the stars were visible, and the sky with completely cloud free. Then the witness saw a kind of “suspended boat” under the cigar shaped object, it was about 7 times smaller than the cigar shape object. The shadows of several men could be seen in it. In total there were six “men”. Five of them were sitting and one was standing, as he looked higher than the rest. The witness did not see the figures move and he did not hear any noise or sound. The object was seen in front of him towards the village of Harahusy. After seeing this the witness became afraid and ran to the yard, yelling at those present to switch the light of the room off and calling the Tatars there to come outside and watch the object. Then a beam of light projected from the cigar-shaped object, flashing like a thunderbolt, which lit a square on the ground and temporarily blinded the witness. At this very same moment the cigar shaped object turned perpendicular to the previous direction of flight with its front lighted section pointed towards Astrakhan. The light became dim and decreased in size. During the turn of the object a fast moving device was noticed on the stern section of the craft. The witness saw the object for about 10 minutes. Then the object turned and flew northward vanishing from sight. Sokolov was convinced that he had seen some kind of foreign dirigible. An official inquest was conducted by the chairman of the Kalmyk Province, B. Krishtafovich. Authorities in Saint Petersburg had been worried about possible German dirigibles penetrating Russian territory.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

The airship

The aircraft lighter than air, which is a combination of the balloon with the mover (usually a screw with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and the system of the orientation control (steering control), through which the airship can move in any direction regardless of the direction of air flow.
The shape of the airships are divided into:

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