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Yeti. United States

ID #1531299742
Added Wed, 11/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
гора Бикон
United States

A few days ago user under the name Sgt_Soggybottoms published on the website Reddit story about the fact that he saw something unusual on mount beacon (new York).

"I work as an engineer networks and a couple of years ago somewhere between 9 and 10 p.m. they called me and said that there is a problem in one of the transmitters at a distance she did not dare, and therefore an urgent need to check it manually.

The main problem was that this transmitter is located at the top of local mountains and beacon to this point to go for an hour. When I and my boss got there, it was nearly midnight and I was a little creepy. The road that ran from the foot of the mountain to the top was very bad, it was unpaved and with lots of ruts, our car was constantly jumped on them, which further added to the negativity. Then we began to notice the rays of light coming from above and covering our car. Most likely it was other people with flashlights, but we still were scared. A couple of times we have noticed in the Bush the firing points, as if there among the trees a fire was burning.

My boss assumed it was the locals sit and have parties with booze and we'd better stay away from them. And my boss, as it turned out, was on this mountain before and he said he never popped in here without a gun and especially at night. And he feared not only local, he said that there is something else - "there are things that I can't explain".

Finally we made it to the top and checked the transmitter, made the necessary debugging and went back on the same road. On one of the sites was particularly steep descent and we almost stopped when she started to pass him. And suddenly, right in front of our car on the road jumped three deer. We are so scared of their appearance that crashed. It's good that the speed was very low and we are only slightly dented the bumper. Driving was my boss and then he completely stopped.

There was dead silence, it drowned out even the motor. And in this silence we both clearly heard as something large flew from the road to the slope. When I heard the noise I immediately shined his flashlight there, but it had already disappeared, leaving behind the many swaying branches on trees and bushes. After that I asked my boss how he thinks, what it was, another deer or maybe even a bear?

He said that the bears run on all fours, and it fled from the sound of only two. And besides, a bear wouldn't chase the deer, it is usually a different style of making food. I understand what hints to my boss, but it seemed to me that he's trying to scare me and I started to think logically. Maybe it just ran the usual big man? But the speed then would be mind-blowing, he managed to cross the road and run to the slope for several seconds until I took out the flashlight and turned it on. And why would a man chase a deer?

Even the homeless would prefer to rummage in garbage cans, not to night hunt such large animals. This creature is also most likely not a Puma or lynx or coyote. and my boss has not previously been seen in guffing and intimidation. The boss himself still look pretty scared, all he wanted to hurry to leave. Subsequently, I changed jobs and then was on the mountain several times. Curiosity tormented me, but I've never seen anything like what we met that night.

However, I was not on this mountain after sunset, and IT probably appeared at this time. I don't know of any known cases in the area of strange creatures, but I learned that in recent years there were several unusual automobile accidents, which cause has not been established. Maybe they occurred due to bad roads, maybe because of something else."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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