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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Spain

ID #1533048792
Added Tue, 31/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
18.01.1984 11:30

In 1984, the media published the photo, made by two young residents of Malaga, showing a strange flying object crossing the sky of the city.

The time was 11:30 on 18 January 1984, when two young men photographed a strange object flying over Odesskim highway near San Carlos. The photo was published the next day in the media, accompanied by the following text:

"Around 11:30 yesterday, the unidentified flying object flew over the highway Odesskim within a very short period of time. His maneuvers were observed by the witnesses. There were about thirty people from the area of San Carlos."

Among the witnesses was Antonio Romero Rodriguez and David Romero Bonilla who photographed on the street. Newspaper ABC, repeating news channel EFE, indicates that young people "were taking pictures of their dogs on the street." They explained that the object must be very large, and that "after he almost stopped," he took off with great speed. Witnesses said that the alleged UFO disappeared in the horizon beyond the roofs of the homes and was no more seen.

Journalist Iker Jimenez mentions this strange event in his book Encuentros OVNI: La historia de los ovnis en España, where he says that the first one who noticed the strange object that had a dog named Bobby, who started to bark at the sky, attracting the attention of the two friends, who checked pocket camera, which one of them bought just a few days ago.

In the future, people began to assume. that's cheating.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

In 1984, the news media published the photograph taken by two young residents of Málaga, showing a strange flying object crossing the city's skies.

The time was 11:30 a.m. on 18 January 1984 when two young people photographed a strange object flying over the Cadiz Highway near the San Carlos district. The photograph was published the next day in the news media - DIARIO SUR among them - accompanied by the following text: "Around 11:30 yesterday, an unidentified flying object flew above the Cadiz Highway for a very brief span of time, its maneuvers being witnessed by some thirty people from the San Carlos district."

Among the eyewitnesses were Antonio Romero Rodriguez and David Romero Bonilla, who were taking photos on the street. Upon seeing the UFO, they did not hesitate to focus on it and take the shot. The ABC newspaper, echoing an EFE news wire, specifies that the young men were "taking photos of their dogs on the street". They explained that the object must have been very large, and that "after having been virtually suspended in the sky" it took off at high speed almost before they realized it. The witnesses stated that the alleged UFO vanished into the horizon behind the rooftops and was not seen again.

Journalist Iker Jimenez mentions this strange case in his book Encuentros OVNI: La historia de los ovnis en España, where he says that the first to notice the strange object was a dog called Bobby, who began barking at the sky, drawing the two friends' attention, who were testing out a pocket camera one of them had purchased only days earlier.

A shadow of doubt fell upon the case, and in subsequent days the photograph was called into question, suggesting that it could have been a hoax.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.

Уличный фонарь

In many cities (especially European) are widely distributed street lights, weighing on an extension wire. Sometimes, when photographing a landscape, a lantern in the sky can be mistaken for a UFO if the wires will not be visible (e.g. under a certain angle).

It happens that the author deliberately blurs the wires.

Sometimes these lights are used for an intentional imitation of a UFO due to osobennostei design.

Sometimes a UFO can be taken lights caught in the frame part, or as a contrast object against a plain background when shooting at night.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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