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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1535384166
Added Mon, 27/08/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Кейп-Жирардо, MO
United States

Charlotte Mann says her grandfather, Reverend Huffman, said the crash of the UFO that occurred in July 1941 outside of Cape Girardeau.

The police Department Cape Girardeau and some soldiers were in place, which they considered to be the site of the crash. But the monk Hoffman said it was obviously not a plane.

There was crumpled aluminum,metal debris scattered throughout the area, and the object that was in the shape of a disk.

At the crash site were three humanoid body, similar to children, with large heads, large black eyes, no nose, slit mouth, and in the tight uniform.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Charlotte Mann states her grandfather, Rev. Wm. Huffman, told her about a UFO crash site story which occurred in July 1941 outside of Cape Girardeau.  The Cape Girardeau police department and some military personnel were at what they thought was a plane crash site, but Rev. Hoffman said it obviously was not a plane.  There was crumpled aluminum like metal debris scattered over the area and an object that was disc shaped.  There were three humanoid bodies, child-like with large heads, big black eyes, no nose, slit for a mouth, and a form fitting uniform covered with debris.  The MJ-12 cited this Missouri Ozarks 1941 UFO crash site story along with the 3 Roswell 1947 crash sites as recovered exhibits deemed extraterrestrial.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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