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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1535542587
Added Wed, 29/08/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Лланддерфел и Лландрилло
United Kingdom

In the history of the UFO incident UFO crash in the Berwyn mountains in North Wales is often called the "British rosellon".

On the evening of 23rd January 1974 the residents of the Welsh village Llanddaniel and Llandrillo felt a small earthquake, and then heard a loud explosion. At first I thought that in the mountains the crashed plane, but it arrives first on the scene, the woman saw in the dark only a few strange red-orange lights. Further, the area was quickly surrounded by police officers and then was informed that they found nothing.

But very quickly, it was rumored that the authorities have something to hide and that in fact, there fell a spaceship. For more than 40 years, the story haunted British and world ufologists. Officially, there has been a real earthquake, but for 40 years we found many witnesses who reported what they saw flying in the sky UFO before the explosion.

Researcher of anomalous phenomena Nick Redfern told the other day that he has a history of another witness and it is very unusual. The woman's name is Anne Owen, shortly before the incident, her family bought two old cottages in County of Conwy near the village of Treffry, in North Wales. While they restored the house, the whole family with children lived in the trailer. On the evening of 23rd January 1974, the family horse began to behave very nervous and she was tied to the trailer, but later she became even more restless, as if it something very frightened. Animal movements were so violent that rocked the trailer.

"And then we all saw outside the window in the sky this white thing," says Ann Owen, — "It was the white ball. It was unclear at what distance it is from earth, but he seemed no more than a meter in diameter.

And suddenly there was a loud explosion and the ball disappeared. We didn't know what happened, but the next morning we saw something completely ripped growing nearby Rowan tree from the ground. Thus, the tree was stripped of bark and was thrown about 120 feet from where it grew. Further, it was even weirder.

We were approached by a local resident, a very old lady and began to tell me that she was awakened by a strong explosion. And when she looked out the window, they saw several little men.

At first she thought it might be military, but then I realized that men really unusually small in stature only about a meter tall and dressed in all black. There were 4 or 5 and they were no different from humans in appearance except for a very small growth. Then we found out that this old lady talked about what they had seen, other residents, trefry, but there it was considered by the inventor or a patient and then, the lady got offended and said that no one else will be nothing to tell.

By the way, several of the inhabitants of trefry woke up the next morning and found that the Windows of their homes were broken. It was probably the effects of that strange explosion."

Next, Ann Owen told that to them came a group of researchers from Cardiff University and they took pictures of torn wood, and then showed her an unusual shot, where was filmed a white cylindrical UFO near the same tree.

However, Anne was confused, she never saw such an object and does not know when and by whom was made this picture. Who knows what kind of the. Ann also managed to notice probably the most unusual detail of the visit of researchers from Cardiff. It seemed to her that they are perfectly aware of what actually happened here.

It has been a solid men 40-50 years of age, not students, and probably Professor. The last part of the story, Ann was touched by a very thick fog, the ordinary at first glance, but it was observed the day before the accident and the day after the incident. Before and after the locals have never seen. A mist arose as if from nowhere and was incredibly thick.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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