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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Yeti. Australia

ID #1541413891
Added Mon, 05/11/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Нананго QLD

One strange case was recently confirmed by the YouTube channel "Yowee Down Under", which interviewed a woman named Claire, who earlier with two small children lived in the town of Nanango, Queensland.

The exact year when it happened, Claire was not reported, but perhaps a few years ago.

"At that time, I and two of my kids lived in Nanango, as in this city at the nursing home were my mother and I regularly visited," says the woman who lived with children in a small house near the outskirts.

"Once the children began to tell me that in their bedroom window to watch the "alien face". This was repeated several times. They were very scared of it, but when I resorted to the cry, that no one in the window is not seen and thought that they just imagined it".

But one day, when Claire once again came to visit my mom and told her about the fears of children, the mother said that when she lived in this house, it is often heard near the house, strange noises. Like someone and that someone is very large.

"She began to tell me that someone also climbed on the roof of the house, and ran next to the porch all the time at night. I asked about it the nurses and they said I didn't treat it seriously, because the mother might be senile problems with memory and thinking. However, the mother insisted that it was in fact and history are not confused in the details when she told them to me again and again."

According to mother Claire, she saw herself and repeatedly, as something big and dark ran in front of her house. And it was "a very strange creature." One day, after another visit to his mother in a nursing home, Claire went to her home and immediately realized something was wrong when the lights in the Parking lot where she always put her car was broken and everything was in the thick darkness. When Claire got out of his car and went to the house, she suddenly heard a creepy and loud howling of some animal.

"I've never heard anything like it. It sounded very scary and I even have the little hairs on my arms stood on end. Even now when I recall the howl, I get scared. That night I heard the howl at least three times and since then began to hear it regularly. He usually began to be heard between 11 p.m. and walked in from the outskirts. All the local dogs went crazy, hearing the howl".

Claire talked with neighbors about the noises, but nobody knew what kind of creature is their issue. All have sinned in a big dog sitting somewhere on a leash. And then there was an even more frightening event. Later that evening Claire was in the kitchen and poured herself a Cup of tea, when something growled almost muffled under the kitchen window! Fear at Claire's Cup fell from his hands and she backed out of the room. Then she turned off the kitchen light and hid behind the corner of the corridor, where it would not see out the window. According to Claire she have lived all my life in the Bush (Australian shrublands Heath) and loved to walk in nature and observe wildlife, but I've never been so afraid.

"I've seen kangaroos, possums, koalas, and other animals — none of them could make such sounds. I also never heard Bush nothing like that. It was absolutely awful."

According to Claire, the activity of strange creatures near her home lasted for several months. And she was beginning to notice, when this creature appears next. In these moments, her cat began to react as if nearby is a stranger to the dog. The hair on her back and tail stood on end. And the dog Claire began to bark excitedly, staring at a door or window.

"When my dog first did this, I immediately went outside and looked around the house. I saw nobody, but felt a strong and extremely offensive odor. Smelled like someone's body was not washed for a very long time."

In the end, Claire was beginning to think that her house comes the same Yovi, which she had previously only heard when referring to the mythology of the aborigines. Once in the house the kids came to play friend girl. While the children were playing, Claire searched on YouTube a video with sounds which could conceivably issue a Yeti. She found the entry and began to listen.

In the description to the video it was stated that recording the roar of the Yeti from Ohio, USA. At this moment in her room looked the girl and said it growls Yovi. When Claire asked her how she knew, she told me that her family once went camping and there they heard similar sounds. And her dad said it sounds Yovi. Yovi likely stopped coming to Claire as suddenly as they appeared. Why he came and why he left, and left to the people a mystery.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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