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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1547812816
Added Fri, 18/01/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.03.1950 21:26
Штутгарт, AR
United States

March 20, 1950 captain of the air force spare and the captain of the airline was flying commercial. 21:26 the captain of the airline drew attention of the captain of the replacement of the air force to the object which apparently was flying at high speed, approaching the airliner from the South (moved North).

Captain spare, the air force focused its attention on the object. Both crew members watched as the object passed in front of them and disappeared out of sight on the right. The observation, which lasted 25 to 35 seconds, occurred about 15 miles North of the city of medium size. When the object is held in front of the airliner, he was at a distance of not more than 1/2 mile and approximately 1000 feet above the aircraft.
The object seemed round, about 100 feet in diameter and with a height much smaller diameter, giving the object a disc shape. In the top center was a light which blinked about 3 flashes per second. This light was so bright that it would be impossible to look at it continuously, if he hadn't blinked. This light could only be seen when the object is approaching, and after his passing airliner.

When the object is held in front of the observers, was visible to the underside. She had 9-12 symmetrical oval or circular portholes located in a circle approximately 3/4 of the distance from the center to the outer edge. Through these portholes penetrated the soft purple light in the shadow lines of the plane, not rotating.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

On March 20, 1950, a Reserve Air Force Captain and an airlines Captain were flying a commercial airlines flight. At 21:26, the airline Captain directed the attention of the Reserve Air Force Captain to an object which apparently was flying at high speed, approaching the airliner from the south on a north heading. The Reserve Air Force Captain focused his attention on the object. Both crew members watched it as it passed in front of them and went out of sight to the right. The observation, which lasted about 25 to 35 seconds, occurred about 15 miles north of a medium-sized city. When the object passed in front of the airliner, it was not more than 1/2 mile distant and at an altitude of about 1000 feet higher than the airliner.
The object appeared to be circular, with a diameter of approximately 100 feet and with a vertical height considerably less than the diameter, giving the object a disk-like shape. In the top center was a light which was blinking at an estimated 3 flashes per second. This light was so brilliant that it would have been impossible to look at it continuously had it not been blinking. This light could be seen only when the object was approaching and after it had passed the airliner. When the object passed in front of the observers, the bottom side was visible. The bottom side appeared to have 9 to 12 symmetrical oval or circular portholes located in a circle approximately 3/4 of the distance from the center to the outer edge. Through these portholes came a soft purple light about the shade of aircraft line without spinning. Considering the visibility, the length of time the object was in sight, and the distance from the object, the Reserve Air Force Captain estimates the speed to be in excess of 1000 mph.


Entry on this case from Brad Sparks’ “Catalog of 1,500 Project Blue Book Unknowns”:

March 20 [22? 31?], 1950. 40 miles E of Little Rock, N of Stuttgart, Ark. 9:26 [9:29?] p.m. Chicago & Southern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr., flying a DC-3 at 2,000 ft heading W from Memphis to Little Rock, saw a 100 ft flat cylinder-section circular disc [or body of object not visible?], width/diameter ratio about 1:4.5, with 9-12 [or 7?] bright white lights or “portholes” along the lower side emitting a soft purple [?] light, and a blinding blue-white center light at the top which flashed 3 times in 9 secs [or 3/sec ??], fly at 700-1,000 mph [or 1,000+ mph?] from the S headed N, passing to their right at about 1/2 mile distance about 1,000 ft higher altitude. (Battelle Unknown No. 11; Project 1947; Ruppelt)


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