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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. Colombia

ID #1548854678
Added Wed, 30/01/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1950 19:00

13-year-old deaf mute, William Ortiz was riding his horse along a country road when looking at the vegetation on one side of the road, he saw a child's figure. Then, in the hole through the bushes and on top of a large stone, he saw the object in the form of a disc with small figures around it.

Looking at him, he stopped in confusion, looked over his shoulder and noticed next to one of the children's figures. He noticed that the creature wore some form, very tightly fitting and covering the neck and legs. He also wore boots. The closed neck of his turtleneck, which he could see something like a seam in the shape of the letter V.

The hands only had four fingers, although he's not sure. The creature had a large hairless head. His eyes were large, oval-shaped and very black, the eyes of the other crew members was less than the others. The ears were not, only a small hole on each side of the head. The nose was small as well as lips that never moved. The skin color was grayish brown.

Closest to him was a man. The rest looked the same. The creature looked directly into the eyes of Ortiz and began to send him messages and at the same time, use hand signals or language.

Eight mysterious words were "said" entity, which included "sky", "love" and "the secret." After the message, the entity turned to the rock. At this point, Ortiz couldn't see the rest of the crew. The entity returned to the object. Then the object rose up, turned to the southwest and disappeared over the horizon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

13-year old deaf mute, William Ortiz was riding his horse on a gravel road in his parent’s property when peering through the growth of vegetation on one side of the road, he noticed a child-like figure, but continued on his way. Then in an opening through the brush and in top of a large rock, he saw a disc shaped object with little figures around it. After staring at it he stopped in confusion, looked over his shoulder, and noticed one of the child-like figures next to him. He noticed that the entity wore some type of uniform, very tight fitting and covering the neck and legs. He also wore boots. The collar ended like a turtleneck, and he could see something like a seam in the form of a V on the shoulders. The hands only had four fingers, he was not really so sure. The being had a large hairless head. The eyes were big, oval shaped and very black, some of the other crewmember’s eyes were smaller than the others. There were no ears, just a little hole on each side of the head; the nose was small as well as the lips, which never moved. The skin color was grayish brown. The entity closest to him appeared to be a male. The others looked the same. The entity closest to him, looked directly into Ortiz’s eyes and started sending him messages and at the same time using hand signals or language. Eight enigmatic words were given by the entity, which included “sky” “love” & “secret.” After the message, the entity made a turn toward the rock. At this moment Ortiz could not see the rest of the crew. The entity went back to the object half walking, half floating, very fast. Then the object went straight up, made a turn to the southwest, and disappeared into the horizon. The rock on which the object rested has many peculiar symbols carved on it that included lines, circles, disk shapes, serpents and other symbols.


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