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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. Canada

ID #1549377838
Added Tue, 05/02/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Бралорн, BC

Very young witness suddenly saw the three little men in shiny dark blue suits. They all came together, and one of them took her by the hand. Then brought her to the nearest clearing. There they stopped for a moment before a bright yellow light above them. There was a whirl of sparkles rose into the air around them, and then one at the time they were raised in the air.

Her next memory was that of standing in the yellow light in a small grey room with other young men, who were dressed in colorful costumes. Several little men were talking while others were busy running.

One day she was led into a room with fabric walls, Desk, and large sink. Her clothes removed and she was told to sit quietly. Then came a few people and gathered around the table, on which sat a witness.

After performing and inspecting they are all gone except for one, which plunged the witness into the cold salt water in the tub. After drying it was taken to a room with other children of different ages. They all talked among themselves, each mentioning the place where they came from. Many were unhappy where they lived and wanted to stay with young men.

Later she was allowed to say goodbye to the other children, and then placed in a small, grey room with yellow light. After a few moments she stood in the same clearing in the woods.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

The very young witness was walking along a remote trail when suddenly 3 little men in shiny dark blue suits came along and one of them took her hand. She was then led to a nearby clearing. There they paused momentarily in front of a bright yellow light above them. There was a whirl of sparkles in the air around them, then one at a Time they were raised up in the air. Her next memory was of standing in the yellow light in a small gray room with other little men who wore different colored suits. A few of the little men talked while the others were busy with some controls. At one point she was taken to a room with cloth walls a table and a large washtub. Her clothes were removed and she was told to sit quietly. Several people then came in and gathered around the table where the witness was sitting on. After performing and examination they all left except for one that gave the witness a dip in the cold salty water of the bathtub. After being dried up she was taken into a room with other children of various ages. They all talked among themselves, each mentioning the place they where from. Many had been unhappy to where they lived and wanted to stay with the little men. She was later allowed to say goodbye to the other children, then was placed in the small gray room with the yellow light. Moments later she was standing in the same clearing in the forest.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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