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Chupacabra. Chile

ID #1554211121
Added Tue, 02/04/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Копьяпо Atacama

IEA or Intruso Esporádico Agresivo - Sporadic Aggressive Intruder, the abbreviation used in South America to refer to the paranormal predator known as the Chupacabra.

Pablo Andres Diaz Caceres (28 years old, married, graphic designer, living in 414 Las Violetas, Graneros) says, In 2003, during a picnic with Rafael Moreno, the chief of anesthesiology of the region in the town of Las cabras (the 6th region of Chile, on the shore of lake Rapel), he said that the city of Copiapo in 1998, one of his fellow doctors who was connected with the army, told him that he had inspected the corpse of a recruit who died during maneuvers in the explosion of hand grenades. The autopsy, however, showed that this was not the reason for the death of the soldier. Rather, it happened because of serious cuts, puncture wounds and ruptures caused by the claws of a wild animal. He was severely crippled.

Told me that he met one of these creatures (IEA) in a cave near Copiapo, where a nested group of these creatures. The army leadership ordered the platoon to enter the cave, where the recruit was torn to pieces by these animals and died instantly. Then these animals were shot and their corpses delivered to the U.S. government and taken away by helicopters, unmarked.

In 1999, during his missionary work as elder in the Church of latter-day Saints in the city of Tal-Tal, he had the opportunity to talk to the aforementioned army doctor, a friend of Dr. Moreno. He didn't remember a person's name or physical description , but told him "that he had seen strange things, the body of a conscript killed animals. Wounds were not the result of any weapons." This doctor was very careful. The information remains in memory until it subsequently ran into Dr. MORENO in Las Cabras.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Angol, 11.26.2006

IEA(*) Eyewitness Account

[(*) IEA stands for Intruso Esporádico Agresivo - Sporadic Aggressive Intruder, an acronym used in South America to designate the paranormal predator known more commonly as the Chupacabras]

FROM Pablo Andres Diaz Caceres, 28, married, graphic designer, residing at 414 Las Violetas, Graneros.

"In the year 2003, while at a cookout with Mr. RAFAEL MORENO, general anesthesiologist of the region in the locality of Las Cabras, 6th Region of Chile, on the shores of Lake Rapel, he told me that while exercising his profession in [the city] of Copiapó in 1998, one of his fellow doctors, who was affiliated with the Army, told him that he had examined the corpse of an Army conscript who had died during maneuvers as the consequence of hand grenade explosion. The autopsy, however, revealed that this was not the cause of the soldier's death. Rather, it had come about from serious cutting and piercing wounds and tears caused by the claws of a wild animal. He was badly mauled. It was said he had encountered a warren of these creatures (IEA) in a cave near Copiapó, in a place dubbed Fosforita, where a group of these creatures was nesting. The Army ordered a platoon to enter the cave, where the conscript was attached by these animals, dying instantly. Next, these animals were gunned down and their corpses subsequently delivered to representatives of the U.S. government and shipped away in unmarked helicopters.

"In the year 1999, while on missionary activity as an elder for the Church of Latter Day Saints in the city of Tal-Tal, he had the chance to speak to the aforementioned Army physician, Doctor Moreno's friend - he did not remember the man's name or physical description - who told him "that he had seen strange things, the body of a conscript slain by an animal attack. The wounds were not the result of any weapon." This doctor was very discreet. The information stayed in his memory until he subsequently ran into Dr. MORENO at Las Cabras. The case was one and the same.


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