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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Italy

ID #1560436281
Added Thu, 13/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Эрбалия CO

37-year-old Renzo pugina, the seller bouillon cubes, parked the car in the garage of his Villa, returning after watching the movie. Pugina noticed a soft glow in the Park of the Villa, but attributed it to the moon.

After he parked the car, climbed one flight of stairs connecting the main alley of the Villa when he saw a strange figure on the top step of the stairs adjacent to the tree.

The creature was 1.3 m in height. According to one of the main sources in the press on this case, Pugin declared that he acknowledged being "a Martian":

"It could be something other than a Martian!"

The creature was surrounded by soft, warm light and seemed a prisoner in armor. He was wearing a transparent helmet front, and it seemed that most of the light emitted by the creature was concentrated at the crown of his head.

Upper body (up to half of his body) was covered in slightly luminous overalls comprised of metallic scales - "like a fish" and the rest were kept in a large "tube" with a height of 50 cm and a width of 20 inches (legs were visible).

Pipe a much smaller size were attached horizontally to the first, staying just inches above the ground. It was approximately 1.5 meters, according to one source.

Almost at the end of this pipe was a luminous disc "the same size as a Bicycle wheel." Its upper part had a dome shape and was oriented horizontally over the pipe, but between these two elements was not visible contact.

Pugin began to climb the stairs, but after a few seconds the creature turned light body to the man. He slowly turned his head as if he was being manipulated by some mechanism. The creature was holding in his right hand a kind of torch, inside of which was something like a light bulb that gave poor lighting.

The device was directed at the witness, who at the same time feel paralyzed (one of the sources claimed that Pugina hit by a beam of light). The witness remained in this state for some time.

Pugina noticed that the external features of the face of the creature was fairly normal, but without the forehead and almond shaped eyes. His face was of an olive hue, "as if it was bathed in motor oil for a car."

Pugin grabbed a bunch of keys in one of his hands and regained control of his body. He made some further steps towards the creature ,pronouncing Italian is only one word "Marte!" (Mars!).

He did this in order to communicate with the creature. The creature appeared to grimace, and Pouhana took another step in his direction. At this point I jumped to the ground and flew along the lane of the Villa, keeping the flight path under the branches of trees. The creature was making a soft humming noise.

Pugin was running in an alleyway, but the creature disappeared around a bend. All the observation lasted several minutes.

The wife of the witness was asleep, but was awakened by the hasty arrival of the spouse. He was in shock, couldn't speak and was shaking.

ressa reported that pugina remained in bed for two days as a result of their meeting. On the gravel strip Villa the next day was discovered trace. He was no smell, dry and without fat. After one or two days this area of the track has increased considerably.

Local police claimed that Pugin was a "normal" man who, as we know, did not drink and did not suffer from psychological problems.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Renzo Pugina, 37, a stock cubes salesman was parking his car in the garage of his villa, he was returning from seeing a movie. Pugina noticed a soft glow in the park of the villa, but he attributed this to the moon. After he had parked the auto, Pugina reportedly ascended one flight of stairs connecting to the principal lane of the villa, when he observed a strange figure at the top of the steps, adjacent to a tree. The creature was 1.3m tall, and presented his left side to the witness. According to one of the main press sources for the case, Pugina stated that he recognized the being to be a “Martian”. “He couldn’t have been anything but a Martian!” The creature was surrounded by a soft, warm light and appeared to be encapsulated in armor. It wore a helmet which was transparent in the front, and it seemed that most of the light emitted by the creature was concentrated at the top of its head. The upper part of the body (up to half of his trunk) was covered in slightly luminous overalls comprised of metallic scales—“like a fish”—while the rest was contained in a great “pipe” 50cm high and 20 centimeter wide (no legs were visible). A much smaller pipe was attached horizontally to the first one, remaining just centimeters above the ground. This was approximately one fathom in length (or 1.5 meters, according to one source). Nearly at the end of this pipe was a luminous disc “as large as a bicycle wheel.” Its upper part was dome-shaped and orientated horizontally over the pipe, but there was no apparent contact between the two elements. Pugina started to climb the steps, but after a few seconds, the creature rotated his trunk towards the man, to his left. He also slowly rotated his head, as if manipulated by some mechanism. The creature held a type of flashlight in its right hand, inside of this was something like a light bulb which produced a faint illumination. The device was directed at the witness who, simultaneously, felt paralyzed (one source claimed that Pugina was struck by a beam of light). The witness remained in this state for some time. Pugina noticed that the outer features of the creature’s face were rather normal yet striking, featuring almost no forehead and eyes that were almond-shaped. Its face was olive in shade “as if it had been splashed with car motor oil.” One Pugina grasped a bunch of keys in one of his hands, he regained control of his body . Pugina advanced a few further steps toward the creature , pronouncing in Italian just one word “Marte!” (Mars!). He did this in order to communicate to the being to not leave. The creature appeared to grimace, while Pugina advanced another step in its direction. At this point, the creature alighted one meter off the ground and flew away along the lane of the villa, maintaining a flight path below the tree branches. The being produced a soft buzzing noise. Pugina ran along the lane, but the creature disappeared behind a curve. The entire sighting lasted but a few minutes. The witness’s wife was sleeping but she woke up as a result of Pugina’s hasty arrival. He was in shock, could not speak, and was shivering. Pugina’s wife said that her husband shivered all night long. The press reported that Pugina remained in bed for two days as a consequence of his encounter. Evidential trace was found on the gravel of the villa’s lane the following day. It was odorless, dry and greaseless. One or two days afterwards, this trace area had greatly expanded. The local Carabinieri claimed that Pugina was a “normal” individual not known to drink or to suffer from psychological problems.


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