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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Australia

ID #1561122549
Added Fri, 21/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.02.1964 02:00
Гум Крик

February 3, 1964, at about 2 a.m., in a relatively isolated area of Gum Creek (Gum Creek, South-Eastern Australia), the woman and her husband were sleeping when they were visited by strange creatures.

Doris Player, who has already experienced a number of strange experiences in life, once slept with her husband. She woke up and found that her room was brightly illuminated by a powerful light coming through the window of the room.

Since then, she saw at a distance of 30 feet (about 9 meters) humanoid. In his hands he held a small black box that was vaguely similar to a video camera. He pointed out his subject on the garden. After the device has issued a buzzing and clicking sounds, the alien sent him for our witness, and the same sounds repeated.

The alien was blue-green suit and brown jacket with three large buttons. On his head was some brown Balaclava with a cord coming down over her left shoulder. His hands were hidden in large black gloves reaching to the elbows. His face was red. In addition, he had a prominent nose.

Then the witness heard footsteps outside. She saw on his bed a silver ring and a pale light inside. She tried to talk to this alien, but I couldn't. After a few seconds the light and the man disappeared instantly.

A little later Doris claimed that she was regularly contacted by a civilization from "other places".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Le 3 février 1964, aux alentours de 2 heures du matin, dans la région relativement isolée de Gum Creek (au Sud-Est de l’Australie), une femme et son mari furent visités par des êtres venus d’ailleurs alors qu’ils dormaient paisiblement …

Doris Player, qui avait déjà connu une longue série d'expériences étranges au cours de son existence, dormait une nuit en compagnie de son époux. A un moment donné, elle se réveilla et découvrit que sa chambre était brillamment éclairée par une puissante lumière qui entrait par la fenêtre de la pièce.

Dès lors, elle vit, à 30 pieds de distance (soit environ 9 mètres), un humanoïde, debout, qui mesurait près d’un mètre 65. Dans ses mains, il tenait une petite boîte noire qui ressemblait vaguement à une caméra-vidéo. Il pointait son objet en direction du jardin. Après que les bruits d’un bourdonnement et d’un clic furent émis par l’appareil, l’extraterrestre le dirigea vers notre témoin et les mêmes sons furent entendus.

Le visiteur venu d’ailleurs portait une combinaison bleu-vert ainsi qu’une veste de couleur brune avec trois gros boutons. Sur sa tête, il avait une sorte de passe-montagne marron, avec un cordon qui descendait au niveau de son épaule gauche. Ses mains étaient dissimulées par de grands gants noirs montant jusqu’à ses coudes.

Son visage arborait une couleur rouge. En outre, il avait un nez jugé proéminent. Le témoin entendit ensuite des pas à l’extérieur ; elle vit sur son lit « une bague de couleur argentée et pâle à l'intérieur. » Elle essaya de parler à cet alien, mais elle ne le pouvait pas. Quelques secondes plus tard, la lumière et l'homme disparurent instantanément. Un peu plus tard, Doris affirma avoir régulièrement été contactée par une civilisation venue d’ailleurs …


Location. Gum Creek, South Australia
Date: February 3 1964 Time: 02:00 a.m.
Doris Player, who had already had a long series of strange experiences together with her husband at the time, woke to find her bedroom brilliantly illuminated by a light that came in through the window; then, at about 30 ft away there appeared a man about 5’4” tall wh…o was holding a black box about 18” square & pointing it like a camera at the garden. It gave a buzz & a click. Then he pointed it at her, with the same sounds. He wore blue-green overalls, with a brown jacket with 3 large buttons; on his head was a brown balaclava helmet, with a cord down to his left shoulder. On his hands were elbow-length black gloves. His face was red, with a big nose. The witness heard footsteps outside; then she saw on the bed “a ring with a pale silver color inside it.” She tried to speak, but could not. Then the light and the man disappeared. The witness later became a Contactee.

Humcat 1964-2

Source: Keith Basterfield & John Burford, Colin Norris &
Colin McCarthy Type: E


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