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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. United Kingdom

ID #1561127539
Added Fri, 21/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.11.1954 01:00
Ширли, Суррей, Англия
United Kingdom

Philip Malava (13 years old) living in an orphanage mysteriously lost rabbits from a locked rabbit cage (he guarded it at night).

Suddenly, he noticed a white disc-shaped object floating towards him at a speed of about 5 mph. No lights, no markings, it was about the size of a large plate. When it flew low over him, he jumped, trying to touch her, but couldn't reach. She flew away.

The next day, and maybe through the day, he felt almost paralyzed and was lying in the infirmary.

That night he woke up in his bed, when he saw a misty mass, as wide as the bed, which was formed at the foot of the bed. She walked around the bed to his head, “freezing” his body cold where it passed.

Then she stopped, and three figures materialized out of the mist at the foot of the bed, and then walked up to him, 2 one side, 1 on the other and bent over him. He felt that they were going to help him, “calm me." They were dressed in black or dark clothing similar to a nun's habit. He couldn't see their faces and could not describe their hands. He tried to talk to them, but they didn't answer. He doesn't remember much about their care.

The next day he again felt good. Rabbits soon took his shelter.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Phillip Molava, 13, living in an orphanage, had been mysteriously losing baby rabbits from his locked rabbit hutch; he was keeping watch by it at night. Suddenly he noticed a white discus shaped object floating toward him at about 5 mph. It had no lights and no markings, and was only as big as a large plate. As it flew low over him, he jumped up, trying to touch it, but could not quite reach it. It flew away. The next day, or perhaps a day later, he felt almost paralyzed all day, and was in the infirmary. That night, he was awaked in his bed when he saw a misty mass, as wide as the bed, form at the foot of the bed; it passed up the bed toward his head, “freezing” his body with cold where it passed. Then it stopped, and 3 figures materialized from the mist at the bed’s foot, and then moved up to him, 2 on one side, 1 on the other and bent over him. He felt they were going to help him, to “make me at ease with myself.” They were dressed in black, or dark, robes like a monk’s habit; he could not see their faces, and cannot describe their hands. He tried to speak to them, but they did not answer. He has no memory of their departure. The next day he felt well again. The rabbits were shortly afterwards taken from him by the orphanage.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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