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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Italy

ID #1561135543
Added Fri, 21/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

48-year-old farmer, Amerigo Lorenzini was putting grass in a cage for rabbits near his home. Lorenzini suddenly heard a whistling sound (like a flock of swallows) alternating with a metallic noise coming from above.

Lorenzini was blinded by the light, and then he lost consciousness until the light is extinguished. At this point, the farmer noticed the object in the form of cigars, which landed on a nearby clearing. The object was surrounded by a luminous halo. On one side of the object, a hatch opened and from it emerged a group of small creatures.

The creatures moved to the garden of the house of Lorenzini, without hesitation, as if they were familiar with the location. Lorenzini was puzzled by what he saw, but he retreated to the door of the house. There, almost hidden from view, he looked at the very small beings in metallic diving suit, similar to the uniform that covered even their faces.

The creatures were talking to each other in a low voice, not paying attention to the farmer. They approached the rabbit Hutch and seemed interested in the rabbits inside. Lorenzini interpreted their gestures as a sign of their intention to withdraw all of the rabbits.

Lorenzini went into the house, got a rifle, went outside and pointed my rifle at the creatures. He pulled the trigger, but the rifle did not fire. Lorenzini tried again, but not successfully. At this point, he had to drop the rifle because it was too heavy to hold her. He was frightened and tried to scream, but he could not achieve even that.

The farmer watched the creature grasp of the rabbits, returning to the object and then enter it.

Cigar-shaped ship very quickly took off in the direction of Agency, leaving a very bright trail, even more intense than the aura surrounding the object, while he was on earth.

Lorenzini was able to pick up the rifle and successfully to launch it to the sky, but the object is already long gone.

In shock, Lorenzini called some of the people that he pointed out devastated the rabbit Hutch.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A 48-year old farmer, Amerigo Lorenzini, was placing some grass in a rabbit hutch just outside of his home. All of the sudden, Lorenzini heard a swishing sound (like a flock of swallows make). Interspersed sort of a metallic noise, coming from above him. Gazing up, Lorenzini was blinded by a dazzling light, and then he eventually passed out until the light went out. At this point the farmer observed a cigar shaped object which had landed in a nearby clearing. The object was surrounded by a luminous halo. A hatch opened on one side of the object, and a group of smallish creatures emerged from it. The beings moved towards the kitchen garden of Lorenzini’s house—showing no signs of indecision, as if they were familiar with the Location Lorenzini was taken aback by what he saw, but he retreated to the house door. From there, nearly hidden from sight, he got a look at the very small beings wearing a metal diving suit like uniforms that covered even their faces. The creatures spoke with one another in low pitched voices, paying no care to the farmer. They approached the rabbit hutch and seemed interested in the rabbits within. Lorenzini interpreted their gestures as indicative of their intent to carry all the rabbits away. Lorenzini went into the house, retrieved a rifle, went back outside and aimed the rifle at the creatures. He pulled the trigger, but the rifle did not fire. Lorenzini attempted once more, but he was still unsuccessful. At this point he had to drop the rifle, because it had become too heavy to hold. He became frightened and tried to shout—however, he was unable to accomplish even this. The farmer observed the creatures seizing all the rabbits, returning to the object and then entering it. The cigar-shaped craft took off very rapidly in the direction of Avenza, leaving in its wake a very bright trail, even more intense than the halo that had surrounded the object while it was on the ground. Lorenzini managed to pick up the rifle and to fire it successfully, but the object was already long gone. Although in shock Lorenzini called out to some people, to whom he pointed out the emptied rabbit hutch.


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