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Yeti. United States

ID #1561377839
Added Mon, 24/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
военная база Форт Леонард Вуд
United States

In the spring of 1982, a soldier, a student at the military base Fort Leonard wood in Missouri, collided with an unidentified animal. Their training consisted of an intensive eight-week program, and Eric Unggul remembers it well.

"We had some breaks, and we fully rested from a night guard in some place on post. The places we were supposed to be guarding, actually did not require protection. The bosses wanted us to have experienced what was the security service. My partner was Samoan named Unabia, " said Engdahl Christopher Murphy at the conference "Virtual Bigfoot Conference" the Internet in 1996.

"While we were preparing to hop in the truck (they called our names). Because "Youngdahl" is always at the end or near the end of the alphabetical list, I was the last person who sat at the back of the truck. The side bench seats on each side of the truck facing each other, and by the time I applied for them, all the seats were occupied and I had to sit down so that I put my hands on the back door. I decided to turn to the back of the truck, to explore the army post.

Post which we had to guard, was in the depths of the forest," he continued.

According to the man, the interns were taken by truck in an unknown direction. This trip lasted about 30 minutes.

"I was still looking directly from the rear of the car. The time was about 18:30 and it was very light at this time of year. The weather was clear and warm," recalls the soldier.

According to Jungala, after they drove up to the intersection and about 25 yards from the turn, there was an animal.

"Funny how that understanding came to me because in that moment, when I saw him, I had no doubt that the creature that I observed was a snow man. It was automatically, without a doubt."

He described the creature growth is 7 feet with his hair of light brown color.

"What really surprised me is its color is light brown, almost like the color of the tube on the Bulletin Board", - he explained meticulously.

Observation presumably lasted ten seconds before the animal disappeared in the woods. The young man began to try to find a logical explanation for what he just saw, but couldn't.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

In the spring of 1982, a soldier training at Fort Leonard Wood Army Base in Missouri encountered an unidentified beast.

Their training consisted of an intensive eight week program, and Erik Youngdahl remembers it well.

“We had a few breaks and were fully rested for our one stint of overnight guard duty at some location on the post. The sites we were supposed to guard did not actually require a guard. The cadre wanted us to experience what guard duty was like, however trainee. My partner was a Samoan named Unabia,” Youngdahl told Cristopher Murphy at the Internet Virtual Bigfoot Conference in 1996.

“As we prepared to file on to the army deuce and a half (two and one half ton truck), they called off our names. Since “Youngdahl” is perpetually at, or almost at the end of the alphabetical list, I was the last one to get on the back of the truck. The lateral seat benches on each side of the truck face each other, and by the time I filed on, all the seats were taken and I had to sit on the bed of the truck while resting my arms on the tailgate. I decided to face out of the back of the canvas-covered bed of the truck to see the sights of the army post. The post Unabia and I were supposed to guard was an engineer bridge crossing training site deep in the woods of the post,” he continued.

According to the man, the trainees were driven in a truck to an unknown location in an unknown direction. This trip lasted about 30 minutes.

“I was still looking directly out the rear of the vehicle. The time was approximately 1830 hours and it was still very much light during that time of year for early evening. The weather was clear and warm,”  the soldier recalls.

After coming to an intersection, and at about 25 yards away from the turn, Youngdahl said , the animal showed up.

“It is funny how this realization dawned on me because the immediate moment that I viewed him, there was not a doubt in my mind that the creature I observed was Bigfoot. I wasn’t looking for it, nor did I think that there have ever been sightings in that region of the country. It was automatic, boom, no doubt.”

He described the creature as being 7-ft tall with hair of a light, brown color.

“What really surprised me was its coloration, which was a light brown color, almost like the color of cork on a bulletin board,” he meticulously explained.

The sighting allegedly lasted ten seconds before the animal disappeared into the woods. The young man’s mind rushed trying to find a logical explanation to what he had just witnessed.

“That definitely is not a person, someone in a suit? No way. It did occur to me to alert the other trainees in the truck, but I immediately thought that by the time I did, they would awaken, crane their necks to look out the back, and by that time, not see anything. This all occurred to me in milliseconds,” he said. ” I felt compelled to tell Unabia what I saw. Apparently Samoans are very superstitious, and Unabia became frightened. I was scared he might shoot me by mistaking me for Bigfoot. I felt obliged to stay close to him to preclude any mistaken identities once it became dark.”

There were not any incidents that night, and the following morning a truck came by to pick them up. Fearing being ridiculed, the man did not want to share his story with the other soldiers. He also clarified that he had extensive experience with wild animals and that what he saw was definitely Bigfoot.

” I was not sleepy at the time nor subject to wild imaginations due to our training, which was not rigorous,” Youngdahl  said.

Fort Leonard Wood Army Base is in Pulaski County, located in central Missouri.

This territory is known for other purported Bigfoot encounters.

In 1975, a man reported seeing a Bigfoot through his bedroom window one mile north of Dixon.

In 1989, a family witnessed a similar 7-8 foot tall creature while on their way to Walmart in Waynesville.


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