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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Netherlands

ID #1564750152
Added Fri, 02/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Mrs. van b was walking in the woods behind her house. Deep in the woods she heard a quiet, smooth, but shrill purr. She crossed the small mound and deep, rising to the top, I saw on the crest of the hill a faint bluish light in the forest.

Deciding that it was a poacher, she crept closer and saw a huge pale blue ball of light about 3 meters in diameter, lying on the Ground, something resembling a cloud of blue light. The area dimly illuminated the trees around her. In the flickering light could see two silhouettes. The figures seemed to stood between her and the sphere.

She watched in silence, hiding behind the trunk of the tree. It seemed that the two "man” burying things in the ground: they are constantly moving and seemed to dig the soil.

Now she noticed that the cloud like a blue sphere hovering just above the ground. Creatures that went before it, seemed people, except for their slenderness, slim long arms and a pretty little head. The head was very rounded in the back. On the head they had one or two small square boxes. Their head was covered with a tight-fitting headdress that emphasized the roundness of their heads.

Suddenly from the sphere came a little man. He thought quickly went out, stood in front of the field and looked at other pieces. He raised his hand, as if looking at the clock, turned and disappeared back into the field. Since then, her memory was vague, but she saw a flash from behind the sphere and thought that men set fire to the forest.

One of the men circled around the glowing sphere and fell to the ground. The other was fast and seemed to be watching the lights go out in the field.

Suddenly she saw the other two men who were kneeling beside the fallen figure, and then lifted him into a sphere. Immediately after that the glow came another man. In his hands he held some items and under the arm is another. He ran up to the witness and stopped about 10 meters away from her, putting something on the ground. She heard a noise, like rustling leaves, as if the figure covers something on the ground. The man looked around and returned to the glowing sphere.

Purring became louder and the light intensified. Then the sphere began to balance above the earth in the form of a pendulum. The rain of sparks was seen coming out of the soil. Everything in the area seemed to be sparkling, and the strong wind, as the sound was heard.

And then everything disappeared. Then panicked witness ran home. Later her family found a strange crater and the charred remains of a smaller crater, which still remained in place 21 years later.

One of the charred remains was a rubber boot and a cardboard box with something like a tube, sticking out of it. It looks as if it was a fuse.

Who told this history could not delete any items. The family of the witness asked for anonymity.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Mrs. Van B was walking through her fields in the woods located behind her home. Deep in the woods she heard a gentle purring sound; a smooth but high-pitched purring. She walked across a deep a small embankment as she climbed to the top she saw on a ridge a faint bluish light in the woods. Thinking it was a poacher she slipped nearer and saw a huge faint bluish light sphere about 3 meters in diameter resting on the ground, somewhat resembling a cloud of bluish light. The sphere dimly lighted the trees around it. Two shapes were silhouetted in the gleam. The shapes appeared to be between her and the sphere. She watched in silence, crouching behind a tree trunk. It seemed that the two “men” were “burying” things on the ground; they moved around constantly and appeared to be digging up the soil. She now noticed that the cloud-like blue sphere was hovering just above the ground. The men walking in front of it seemed human, except for their slenderness, their thin long arms and a quite small head. The head was very rounded around the backside. On the side of their heads they wore one or two small square boxes. Their head was covered in a tight-fitting headgear, which accentuated the roundness of their heads. All of the sudden a little man came out of the sphere; he seemed to step briskly out the gleam, stood in front of the sphere and looked at the other figures. He raised an arm as if looking at a watch turned around and disappeared back into the sphere. Her memory became confused from that moment on, but she saw a flash from behind the sphere, and thought that the men were setting fire to the woods. One of the men ran around the glowing sphere and fell to the ground. The other walked briskly and appeared to watch the glow behind the sphere extinguish itself. Suddenly she saw two more men on their knees near the fallen figure and then carry him up behind the sphere. Immediately after that another man came out of the glow. He was holding objects in his hands and another item under his arm. He ran towards the witness and stopped about 10 meters from her, putting something down on the ground. She heard a noise resembling the rustling of leaves as if the figure was covering something on the ground. The man looked around and then returned to the glowing sphere. The purring sound became louder and the light intensified. The sphere then began to balance itself over the ground in a pendulum like matter. A shower of sparks was seen coming out of the soil, everything in the area seemed to sparkle and strong wind like sound was heard. Then everything vanished. The panicked witness then ran home. Later relatives found a crater and strange charred remains at the site. The source located a smaller crater, which still remained at the site 21 years later. One of the charred remains appeared to be a rubber boot, and there was also cardboard box with a sort of tubing sticking from it. There appeared to be a fuse in it with pins on it. The source was not allowed to remove any of the items. The family of the witness requested anonymity.


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