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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Fiji

ID #1565879162
Added Thu, 15/08/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.10.1957 15:00

Two middle-aged couples saw an object descend from the sky near the island Nawaca, eight miles from Nabouwalu, southwest Viti Levu. The witnesses were in a boat with an outboard motor, and when they saw the object, they first thought it was a plane in trouble and decided to approach him.

When Fijians came closer, they found that it hovered at a height of about 20 feet above the sea, and it seemed to rotate. Witnesses said they saw something like a figure of a man standing outside of the object. This figure radiated a very bright light on their boat, which was so powerful that they were blinded and "felt weak".

When the boat was not far from the rotating object, the figure disappeared and the object then rose in a rapid vertical motion and disappeared from sight.

They say that the newspaper stressed that all four agreed on the details, that they lived in quite an isolated area "without access to comic books or other literature on flying saucers".

The witness statement was received by R. O. official of the local Adventist Church, who in the night had nabludeniya light, apparently, at an altitude of 5000 feet between the Islands of Beck and Viti Levu.

This light was at first motionless, then began to slide slowly across the sky for about five minutes, then disappeared, though there were no clouds.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Two couples going from Nabouwalu to Nawaca in a motor boat saw a white object come down from the sky, thought it was a plane in trouble and went closer. They found the object hovering 7 m above the water, and a figure on board the craft aimed at them a beam so bright they “felt weak.” The figure disappeared suddenly, and the object took off vertically at high speed.Oct.8,1957; Nabouwalu, Bua, Fiji Islands
3:00 p.m. Two middle-aged couples saw an object that came down from the sky near the island of Nawaca [sic-Nawaka], eight miles away from Nabouwalu, southwest of Viti Levu. The witnesses were in a punt1 with an outboard motor, and when they saw the object, they first thought it was an airplane in trouble and decided to go near it. As the Fijian[s] came closer, they found it hovering about 20 feet above the sea and it appeared to be revolving. The witnesses said they picked out what looked like a figure of a man standing on the outside of the object. This figure shone a very bright light on their boat which was so powerful that they were dazzled and “felt weak.” When the boat was about five chains from the rotating object, the figure disappeared and the object then rose in a rapid vertical movement and was soon out of sight. The newspaper is said to have emphasized that all four agreed on the details, that they lived in a fairly isolated area “without access to comic books or other literature on flying saucers.” The witnesses[’] statement was obtained by R. O. Aveling, an official of a local Adventist Church, who, in the night of the sighting by the four Fijians, had seen a light, apparently at an altitude of 5.000 feet, between the islands Beqa and Viti Levu. This light was at first stationary, then started sliding slowly through the sky for about five minutes, then vanished entirely, although there were no clouds. (Rullan; Website: UFOs at Close Sight)


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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