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Poltergeist. Belarus

ID #1567771377
Added Fri, 06/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

A family where there have been cases of poltergeist consists of 4 members: G. S. V. and G. I. (age 35), daughter, Luda (14), son (9 years old). They live in four-room apartment.

The beginning of the events of 30 may 1989, about 12-12:30. The house was Luda and Sergei. Folk in the kitchen, cut himself a piece of sausage and the rest wanted to put back in the fridge. But the sausage does not lay on the shelf and fell to the floor. Luda tried to put it several times, but she also fell. It took a little time (about 1-2 min) and from his room the girl called her brother Sergei. He pointed out to her lying on the floor Mat and they both watched as he jumped up. It scared children, they ran to the neighbor's where I called my parents. Further, all events occurred in the presence of adults: neighbors, parents.

The neighbor who first entered the apartment with the children found that the knives from the set hanging on the wall, lying on the kitchen floor. She put them in their place, however, returning to the kitchen after 13-15 min again found them lying on the floor. Subsequently, this set of knives are constantly fallen, until they were removed from the wall.

Later, Luda and a few neighbors watched the flight of a metal shoehorn and massage brush from the corridor, where they lay on a shelf near the phone. The witnesses said that the horn was flying parallel to the floor at a height of about 1 meter during the flight, he hesitated and gradually unfolded in the direction of parents ' bedroom, i.e. he was flying in an arcuate path. From the events of the same day marked with moving books from the bedroom into the hallway, and, according to witnesses, the book fell as if from the ceiling, it was vertical.

The father of Luda S. G. V., urgently arrived from work, trying to understand the situation, opened a closet and commanding tone began to demand from someone to come out and demanding shouted several times "get Out!" People thus felt a blow to the back of the legs near the tibiae. The impact was strong and she fell backwards. In subsequent Luda a few times felt the blows from behind, mostly in the legs, and several times it is from these blows fell. Once she fell down because someone, according to her, pulled the Mat on which she stood. Fell and a neighbor, also standing on this rug.

In the presence of the S. G. V. was discovered in one of the rooms removed from the vase of artificial flowers: they were lying next to the vase. The same incident was repeated again later.

It was discovered that the room Luda ripped off the bed blanket. When she corrected her, she felt a blow from behind. On the floor was bent the edge of the carpet. When she and Luda came out of the parents ' bedroom, dropped the pillow with a poof. On the fridge in the kitchen was found a comb, where it had not been put. Lying on the table in the kitchen plastic ball ping-pong table flew to the side of Luda, touched her hair and fell behind her.

People found in the kitchen lying on the floor a knife. She tried to lift it, but each time you try the knife she was moved. In the latter two cases, Luda was the only witness PG.

On the advice of one of the neighbors was attempting communication with the poltergeist. The questions asked by People. The first question: "What do you want with me?" it twice hit the door at which she stood. Luda proposed to knock, but a knock at the apartment was not. It People said, "if so, then you're not!" and again felt the blow in legs.

It should be noted that as the first day and subsequent days, when there had been poltergeist activity, Sergey almost all the time was missing in the apartment. In the initial period in the his back hit the spoon, it is very scared and he went into the yard, where he spent most of the time.

The first night after the start of the event the family does not sleep at night, however, no events were not. In the following days, the intensity of the manifestations began to decrease and after a few days they disappeared completely. They were observed for about 1 week.

Termination, the hosts get involved with "blessed water" that they have received one woman from a neighboring village, which practices the methods of removal plots. Water was applied on the second day after the start.

The owners remembered some anomalous events that preceded PG:

  • In the last 2-3 months before they were found in different rooms of the apartment (on the table, the sink, on the floor) actually a one-bit coins black as if burnt. The owners did not pay attention to them, believing that someone from the family finds in the street and Prinosil in the house, and put them into circulation.
  • The first day they conducted a targeted search and found in different rooms there are about 5 pieces of burnt coins.
  • Some time ago the whole family went to Brest for a few days. The key to the apartment they at this time did not give anyone. However, upon arrival, it came to account for a large amount for long distance conversation from their phone during their absence.
  • It should be noted that in the past year they have lost 3 keys from the apartment, which had been lost by the children.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

The link in the source it is possible to read additional data and investigation of OVOCOM. If you give a short conclusion, it is a poltergeist associated with a girl.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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