Initial data
From time to time in the Newspapers there are reports of some phenomena, whose origin remains mysterious, and about which science has not said its last word. Recently in the pages of the newspaper "Drapeau Rouge", the Central organ of the Communist party of Belgium, came this article:
"Santiago (Chile). - This summer will obviously beat the record at flying saucers. Recently, a group of hunters, wandering in search of game in the valley of San Quintin, was suddenly faced with a whole fleet of flying saucers, which turned out to be exactly twelve.
At midnight four men, breaking up his camp, were seen above their head floated a huge saucer. Cool didn't leave the hunters. They sent the celestial object the lights of their cars. Soon 11, "aliens" is joined to the first plate and began to circle over the heads of the hunters. Then one of them started flashing headlight. The saucer, according to "witnesses" who also lit the fires and said the same flashing".
Currently, the stories about flying saucers became a subject of serious study. Recently at a Colloquium in Santiago three scientists said that since then, the sky began to appear strange flying objects.
- We have scientific evidence that the mysterious objects visit our planet, said the Chilean scientist, Professor Gabriel Alvial.
Soviet scientist, Dr. Mitrophan Zverev, who works at the Chilean Observatory of Cerro Galan, said some things, incomprehensible to us, move around the Earth.
The Director of the Observatory, Professor Claudio Anguita argues that we are not alone in the world.
Statements of three scholars was published in the newspaper "La Tercera de La Hora", which writes about the hundreds of other statements made in recent months regarding the mysterious flying objects sighted in the southern hemisphere.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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