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Poltergeist. Belarus

ID #1569415154
Added Wed, 25/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
ул. Авангардная

A year and a half ago we were approached by a woman that was tortured by a poltergeist. It was a young woman, a single mother who lived together with the ten-year-old daughter in a small apartment. Before that, she appealed to the MOE. the police, to the priests and to someone else, but to no avail. In desperation, she called us, but I must say, we are something significant to help her failed. In addition to tips.

When we arrived, the poltergeist was included in my scruffy stage - began self-ignition of sheets were broken appliances, developed the mirror while we were in the apartment, wanton fell some items, including our recorder. His visit we were shooting except the audio recordings on videotape, and made color photos of individual sections of the apartment. I had rather strange experience after all seen and heard. Mother was really getting tired of the hell, and here, the little girl looked suspicious, not frightened. Rather, it is with fervent curiosity watching our conversation. It was a vicious child, is said to be "in itself", she did not want us to discuss something on this topic, but it was left with the feeling that she knows something. It is clear that she was speaking the language of researchers, the focal person of the poltergeist. The pattern is classical for such cases: the transition to adulthood, family problems where the parents are divorced, puberty and so on. At first I began to suspect that the girl was just faking it all - behind all of doing these "things". However, the "stuff" turned out to be such that they do not under the power of any one person.

An illustrative example with the chandelier (I myself have this, I hung it myself): on the chandelier more curved tubes of duralumin, to which the bolts are attached to the petals of shaped glass. So the tube (quite thick and strong) was flattened - with no damage to the thin base of the chandelier and glass without damaging the petals. How to do it - the mind is neither comprehensible. I tried on the chandelier to do something similar, but I have failed a millimeter bend these tubes, but began to bend the base of the chandelier, made of thin sheet metal. Not only that: on the chandelier and the petals had unfolded differently - some more and others less. And on the sheet metal base of the chandelier was visible a strange matte plaque after the explosion, and that the RAID was more where the tube was flattened more. It was some kind of explosion, but as if the opposite properties, tightening inside. As for extension tubes, apparently, the lever was the ends of the tubes are rigidly held. But for them not to take the hand of man - has no place. In General, it's very strange. Moreover, the apartment Stalin-era building, with a very high ceiling Inquiries, the study of the apartment, nothing is clear. On the contrary, if namupalan some regularity in the events, then immediately there is a lot of obscure facts, not fit in any logical framework.

The facts that more or less can be starting in search of patterns that could be classified as incredibly huge consumption of electricity in the apartment (appliances off) at the moment of activation of the phenomenon. Also zones with "cold winter" in the apartment on the hottest days. And constant W of Electropribor (the lady of the house asked a neighbor to do the wiring without traffic jams). Significant and strange event that occurred when mother and daughter came together and with guests in the evening sat in the room at the table. They heard from the kitchen, someone ran in small shuffling steps into the corridor, then rose to standing there a drawer under the counter and began to come unscrewed cork. And it was dark. The cork flew into the kitchen and got. Of course, in the hallway and the kitchen no one was there and the apartment door was closed. There is a great temptation to believe that these small steps in the corridor belong to the girl who somehow "forks" (or does "out of body"). Then it turns out that all the poltergeist is a matter of her hands. Let's say her body is doing these incomprehensible actions that contradict physics, but she doesn't control them, but only on a subconscious level, knows their relationship with him. It seems this may be a starting point in research. But there are many other aspects of the phenomenon, which this concept is clearly contrary.

That's why, I repeat, very difficult to create a theory: the logic paths are cut off at the most inopportune moment. I can not judge why the children (focal person) stubbornly does not want to talk about what they associated with the events. Perhaps this is a question for them especially intimate and connected with intimate feelings and sensations, as it triggered some mechanism, substituting in puberty functions of an adult organism. For example, the centers responsible for sexuality in the brain is formed, and the formation of the genital organs has not yet begun (children focal person - usually outwardly have no signs of early puberty). Here it is possible to trace some connection with the concept of sexual "purity" of eunuchs, ascetics and other people of religion, seeing in the genitals obstacle to achieving connection with "dematerialism". In any case, such anomalies in the child's body unusual processes occur, which can affect the "second bottom" of our material nature. As it seems, everything is based on IRRITATION. And, more in psychological sense. than biological. Broken mirrors, torn wires, constantly overturn heater, refrigerator, etc. - so it kind of sticks out, calls-to-action "under the hot hand". Exactly what happened with the chandelier. But TV and video are not affected - they do not irritate focal person (or his subconscious), they soothe and entertain. Why fly tube? Because of this irritation. But this implies that the source of the poltergeist feeling the electricity is clearly the same as the items of the situation: for him the power "sticks". All of this is hard to imagine, but the other way to understand except in the beginning to imagine, no. Attacks this IRRITATION well correlated with the biological rhythms of the body in obtaining sexual satisfaction. In our case this is not sexual satisfaction, and his strange surrogate, implemented here in such a mysterious form. Of course, we cannot draw any conclusions about a phenomenon based on only one example.

The author of these lines has read a lot of literature about poltergeists, spoke with the leading Russian researchers in this field, met with hundreds of case studies But still one of the most vivid and carefully described seems to be a poltergeist, 1870, the report of which we published earlier. Unlike hundreds of other descriptions of poltergeist here, as it seems, there are some very interesting points. Which, by the way, few people paid attention (...)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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