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Poltergeist. Belarus

ID #1570024081
Added Wed, 02/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пер. Глинки, 9

Early on the morning of September 8 in the editor called a Professor of the Mogilev machine-building Institute Leonid Sivachenko and reported that the evening of 7 September on two terraces of a private house, where he lives with his family and wife's mother, broken glass in the Windows, mutilated greenhouse, scattered building materials, there are abusive graffiti, satanic signs. Repeated similar several times in the past Year, but arriving on call the police any evidence of traces of individuals to identify failed. Turns out it was the action of supernatural powers of the devil or a poltergeist phenomenon, described by many scientists.

10.47 along with one of the Mogilev Amateur photographers we were already at the address: St. Glinka, 9. Brought us the sight was not pleasant. On two terraces we counted 16 broken panes, two upside-down 200-litre water barrels, scattered timber, logs, wooden boards. Somehow was in the toilet heavy metal bars. On a side veranda, the entrance to which is only possible through the Central door, is total chaos. Glass shattered banks, which stood on the veranda in the closet. Everything I saw pointed to the action of physical forces, or, as said in a joking manner my partner bipedal creatures.

Confirmed this inscription, for in some was full of obscene words. However, the hostess Irina Carved in the conversation recalled such arguments against which it was difficult to argue anything. Why, for example, shepherd, Rolf — wicked healthy dog, ready to tear to pieces anyone within reach of the leash, during times of excesses (the breaking of glass, etc.) whining and begging in the house.

It began on 28 September last year. Suddenly began to disappear stacked in a corner of the garden silicate blocks. This was unusual. Here's what to tell the owners: "Look, they lie on the ground, prepared for takeout. Start to follow. See suffered, we followed. Clearly seen ahead, and then he just falls through the ground, dissolves. Once we hear the roar, the blow of remarkable power. We leave the gate there. Began to look for it in a ravine 10 meters is. Stairs we have metal. To raise it is impossible, but one day it was bent. We suffer so, and in November last year appealed to the Church of Boris and Gleb.

Her father Nicholas reacted to our request, yours sincerely, dedicated the house, advised to make an icon, to read the prayer "let God arise". And most importantly, do not be afraid. Abated. Then again began. Threatening the inscription as it appeared: "get Ready!". Then another: "Today you end, don't leave home"... As you begin the prayer to read, avoiding the house, so on the track there is an obstacle: the log on the way there or something. The light sometimes goes out in the evening. Once washed the clothes, made and hung the duvet sheet. See soon, with sand sprinkled duvet cover. The dried sheet was carried into the house and started to tell his mother. Returned, only three clothespins hanging — no duvet cover. Pilfer, I think. Look evenly spread out on the raspberry bushes. Weather was calm, windless, how could it carry?"

We talked in the house with all the family, except we called Leonid Alexandrovich (it was at this time at work). Suddenly he heard a strange rustling slap on the wall. We got out and started to walk around the house. The bar, previously lying across the track was installed (!) nearby in kotloobraznye metal support. After a while we heard the call Irina Stanislavovna, who was walking prayerfully around the house. On her way suddenly became a wooden shield. The shield stagger. When she went, bypassing his side, he fell. The eerie spectacle. Our photographer, seeing in this some kind of trick, began to look for a rope or wire stretched to the shield, but nothing was found. Again entered the house. Just sat, 17-year-old Kostya suddenly started pointing to the window. From the street to the glass and stuck the notebook sheet in a large range. Across this sheet in big block letters brown pencil was the inscription: "first come, first serve" (see figure).

Called the staff of criminal investigation Department of the Central police station. They are, incidentally, nothing substantial to say are unable. Miracles, and only...

We had no choice but to continue to interview family and some neighbors they have noticed the phenomena. We started with the smallest Thani - students of the 3rd class city gymnasium No. 3.

In September of last year we began to disappear the blocks. Some time has passed. I was sitting on the bed in his bedroom. Next to grandma. Suddenly I see - blocks are in place and some stars and ribbons around colorful. Then everything disappeared, and the blocks all lie.

Kostya, 17, a student of the Lyceum:

- Helped a newly grandmother to place in the hall of books in the closet. Time somewhere around 9 PM. Suddenly I hear a shot. Ran to the window and see flames on the front porch. Popped up, the paper burn, two buckets of water upside down. Who and what, I can't explain. I have no enemies.

Irene's Mother, Nina Stepanovna:

- I'm 83 years old. In this house I 2 years of age. Whole life teaching children in primary school. I never believed in alien forces. Witches, wizards met only in fairy tales. And since last year has begun in our house is inexplicable. Together with her granddaughter Tanya I saw earlier gone back blocks. This vision, however, we are different. I saw something flat, grey climbed over the fence, then jumped to the ground and disappeared. Look, all the blocks are in the same order as before. The fear we have about what is happening there, but really tired of it all.

Nadezhda Semenova, the neigbour-the pensioner:

- Fear, a horror to walk the earth this. The old people say — evil spirit it is. We Windows not yet beaten. But before tossing the rags, the clothes of the dead, was on the door - the grave with a cross, a satanic symbol, a circle with a dot inside.

Neighbor Natalia Tarasenko, 78:

- Lived here 7 years. I had something similar. Radio not included, was not working at that time even, and hear music, dance, laughter. Said spell has passed. This spring was a broken window from the neighbors; who do not live here, and the house is worth. I picked up the pieces and carried into the moat empty. I suddenly spun! Look around no one. I grabbed a Bush, he broke off, and I flew down, broke his hand. My dog didn't even bark...

Leonid Sivachenko, who brought in lunch break masters glazing broken glass PA verandas:

- Really, I didn't see anyone. But it happened in June of this year, here is the chat. Hear in the evening kick in the door on the front porch. I looked through the window near the door — no one. I put her hands on the door, another blow like leg. I'm talking about; "And head it is possible!". Feel the vibration through the hands of a series of strikes. The wife called me and began to read the prayer. On the street looked one, and the blows continued until, until he ended the prayer. The dog began to ask in the house, was let in. All that night she stayed in the apartment. We assume someone is doing and has a deep-rooted impact not only our family but also other people. But many are afraid to go even to Church. The problem with the occurrence of such phenomena at many. We are very grateful to the rector of the Church Borisoglebskaya Church, father Nicholas, that he gave us strength and taught us to resist evil. If there's something similar in any of the Orthodox, the main thing - do not be afraid. No hint of fear. The Church is the most real force in the struggle against such evil. I turned to the media propaganda not only for information about unexplained phenomena, but with the hope that the area might have people who can explain these satanic creations and provide substantial assistance to the suffering...

Instead of an epilogue

After all heard and seen we turned to the police reference the paragraph number 16. Police inspector Igor Kovalyov, often on duty in this area, visited the house in the alley Glinka four times. In the spring, at night, according to his statement, indeed, something fell on the roof. I heard the blows, noise in the trees. With a flashlight climbed the ravine, but nothing significant was found. Strange for police officers is the fact that what is happening on the street rarely hear from home. There was a few times on the calls at this address and the chief of station # 16 Vladimir Andreev. Living in the house at St. Glinka, 9 argued about the presence of evil forces which are going to sort themselves out. Reports of pogroms are not accounted for. By assumption V. Andreeva is a confrontation with the neighbors.

But the rector Church of Boris and Gleb in Mogilev Nikolai different opinion: "It is a manifestation of Satan. Satanic business deals with a woman living near the house of Sivachenko. She does evil. In Mogilev a lot of people suffering from the evil deeds and seeking help from the Church."

Head. Department of physics, technological Institute of Volodymyr Malyshev, acquainted with the story about the incident, gave the definition: the poltergeist, which translated from German means noisy spirit. In Mogilev there were and there are such cases. To get rid of that "barabashka" is difficult. Each case needs an individual approach...

PS. In our world many mysterious, not amenable to scientific explanation. Perhaps witness the mysterious, incomprehensible phenomena have been and some of our readers. The editors will be grateful if you tell us what you saw, please share your experience. Most interesting will be published in "MV".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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