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UFO. Belarus

ID #1571739210
Added Tue, 22/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

It was aliens... (translation)

And now about the main thing. Boxi never would have written about the history of three years ago. It is enough that some even now recall those events with undisguised irony. Someone at the time, strongly advised them "not to stir up trouble". But this year, in early July, as if fitting in the summer "UFO invasion" (it was discussed in the article "July - the aliens?", Star 16 September), in the vicinity of Amnesic reappeared oblong tri-color star.

And again caught the eye of Faith Pavlovna while on duty. She flew at relatively low altitude, then rose, gradually decreasing in size, and finally, became invisible.

After a few days, Nina's sister, her husband and daughter went to berry. In the forest they met a tall woman. She quickly walked a hundred meters from the company. In a long red dress of coarse cloth, a red scarf with white flowers. Sister asked: "What is this woman?". And immediately, as if hearing the question, she momentarily turned away. Face to consider it did not. Because attention was drawn to a black, shiny as patent leather shoes item, like a handbag, which the woman hands pressed to his chest.

Nina replied, "don't know", and in turn she asked: "do you know?" The woman at these words turned away again. Then she came to a small shrub and ... disappeared. As if vanished into thin air....

About meeting namatame eyewitnesses

Vera B. notes that when she and her daughter quite a long time watched a blue ball, a white building with six domes and quickly moving around them figures of humanoids, they "were poophole eyes and head then ill". After some time on the side where the object, creeping fog when he reached the women, they became sick [2].


At the forest's edge, almost touching the ground, hung a blue ball and next to it a white building with six domes, each of which was on the window where a light was burning. Around the world with great speed moved some figures. On their heads they had a narrow blue strip of light... the Object for a long time been in the neighborhood of the village... one evening a woman was driving the cart, and saw three tall figures with long arms and legs, oblong head who have made huge jumps. After each jump, they put a hand on the ground, then rising slowly, evenly swaying from side to side the upper body and again jumped. From them was about 300 meters, but the V. P. get a good look at the clothes, like black suits with the familiar blue stripe of light (maybe a flashlight). Women were frightened and hurried back to the village... (Faith V., 1986., karelichy distr.) [2].


UFO in Belarus... and in Stolin

...villager Careful Stolin district Kovalevich Y. at half-past ten in the evening went out on the porch of his house and could not believe his eyes. 200 metres away, low to the ground hung a huge fiery red ball. Did not have time Yuri Kazakevich to recover, as the ball soared and the moment was gone.

In the fall of 1986 near the village Omnevichi korelichsky area became object of steadfast attention of militia. Two nights in a row there were on duty police posts. Then came a large group of people in uniform, carefully processively fields and coppices. Some time later, here came the Deputy chief of regional Department of internal Affairs Nikolay Liquid with several subordinates, who visited the area.

What brings such a solid security forces in the region, where even the theft of pickles from the basement, "according to tradition" is not lockable, is perceived as an emergency? This became known only after three years when, after reading the material, "We have seen a miracle" – an unusual phenomenon on Volozhenina, the villagers Omnevichi Faith Bocsa and her daughter Nina wrote a letter to the Minsk group for the study of anomalous phenomena. It was reported that from September 27 to November 3, 1986, was observed in the vicinity of their village flying unidentified flying object (UFO), is converted from oblong "stars", as if cobbled together from three parts (white, yellow and orange) in a blue bowl, as if hitched to the brilliant structure with six domes. Claimed to have witnessed the "landing" of this design.

Then, in 1986 Boxi called the police, who quickly arrived on the scene. Soon Oleg Rynda, who worked at that time, the district said Faith Bocsa that unusual aircraft managed to "hunt down". And warned that she and the daughter is not very spread about "the visitors". Women from time to time in silence...

When the members of the Minsk group for the study of anomalous phenomena and author of these lines started with the Bell talking on the subject, he flatly denied even the fact of such a conversation with Boksha. Other participants of "operation "Aliens" also claimed that nothing extraordinary was seen. And supernatural attention to the statement of the peasant explained by simple human curiosity [3].

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Гэта былі іншапланецяне

А цяпер аб самым галоўным. Бокшы ні за што не напісалі б пра гісторыю трохгадовай даўнасці. Ім дастаткова таго, што некаторыя яшчэ і цяпер успамінаюць аб тых падзеях з непрыкрытай іроніяй. Сёй-той у свій час настойліва раіў ім “не муціць ваду”. Але сёлета ў пачатку ліпеня, як бы ўпісваючыся ў летняя “нашэсце НЛА” (аб ім ішла размова ў артыкуле “Ліпень – час прышэльцаў?”, Звязда 16 верасня), у ваколіцах Амневіч зноў з’явілася прадаўгаватая трохколерная зорка. І зноў трапіла на вочы Веры Паўлаўне ў час дзяжурства. Яна праляцела на адносна невялікай вышыні, потым паднядася, паступова змяншаючыся ў размерах, і нарэшце стала нябачнай.

Праз некалькі дзён Ніна з сястрой, яе мужам і дачкой пайшлі ў ягады. У лесе яны сустрэлі высокую жанчыну. Яна хутка крочыла метраў за сто ад кампаніі. У доўгай чырвонай сукенцы з грубай тканіны, у чырвонай хустцы з белымі кветкамі. Сястра спытала: “Што ж гэта за жанчына?” І адразу ж, быццам пачуўшы пытанне, тая на момант адвярнулася. Твар яе разгледзець не паспелі. Таму што ўвагу прыцягнуў чорны, бліскучы як лакіраваныя туфлі прадмер, падобны на дамскую сумачку, які жанчына рукамі прыціскала да грудзей.

Ніна адказала: “Не ведаю”, і ў сваю чаргу сама спытала: “А ты ведаешь?” Жанчына пры гэтых словах зноў на момант адвярнулася. Потым яна дайшла да невялікага хмызняку і… бясследна знікла. Быццам растварылася ў паветры…


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