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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Belarus

ID #1571755691
Added Tue, 22/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
05.11.1990 21:30
Пинск, Завидчицы


Master driving school DOSAAF Ivan Myshko with a cadet engineer at the regional cinema of Alexander Adamovich by Savic on 5 November on the training vehicle practiced driving programme. Approaching the bridge, which is located near the PTU-159, Ivan suddenly noticed in the sky a bright glowing ball that hovered above the bakery. With the vehicle stopped, the passengers came out of the cabin and began to observe the unusual phenomenon.

At this time, the ball split in two. One of them started to walk away in the direction of Brest and disappeared from view, and the second sailed over Pinsk. The glowing ball began to grow in size. Suddenly he appeared bright like fireworks, the train, which began to develop in the green belt. So some time and was moving unidentified flying object until out of sight watching. If this was not a hum or other extraneous sounds. All this "pattern" took four or five minutes about 21 hours.

V. CAMLOCK (D. of Zavidchitsy). AND I SAW A UFO

I would not write if not for the article in the newspaper "Polesskaya Pravda" on 17 November "UFO sailed over Pinsk". I, too, November 5, saw a very beautiful sight, or, as now called, "unidentified flying object" that flew over our village of Zavidchitsy.

And it was about 21 hours and 30 minutes. I was standing in the yard of his house. Unexpectedly raised his head up and noticed a glowing object. Six fireballs, as if United into two triangles (the two balls together and one behind them), moving from West to East. Each ball was visible glowing trail. I thought that the phenomenon of ball lightning, however, there was an exceptional silence. The next day I found out that the same picture was observed by another resident of our village.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Booster, the rocket and tracks

For UFOs often take stages of rockets, parts of space ships burning in the atmosphere, the launches of various missile technology for military purposes, etc., and traces from them. They attract attention mostly in the dark, but in the day time have a greater aura of mystery.

Formation of the track of the launch vehicle occurs in the tropopause (the layer between the troposphere and stratosphere), which sharply reduced the vertical temperature gradient. The emergence of the so-called "jellyfish" influenced by water vapor, which are subject to enhanced condensation.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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