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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Circles on the field and other formations. Canada

ID #1595787447
Added Sun, 26/07/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озеро Онтарио

What could be better than to visit Canada, a beautiful lake, night air, moonlit water? What a peaceful, relaxing idea. Unfortunately for two people, all those good things turned into a frightening experience and forever changed their lives.

From the records of researcher Dr. Peter Millman follows this true story. At the time of writing this story, Millman was working at the National research Council of Canada. He received the facts from the Ministry of national defence.

Two people who submitted its report to the canadian officials, asked to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule.

18 June 1967 starts their business. Sitting in a nice, quiet stay on Severnoi part of lake Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. G. visited friends and went back to his cabin. As they were enjoying a moonlit night, they suddenly were shocked to see a shiny object.

This object just hovering at an altitude of about 50 feet (15.2 m) above the trees and about a quarter of a mile (0.4 km) from them. Slowing the boat, they turned around to get a full review of this strange object. When they sat in surprise, the object suddenly began to pick up speed, rushing straight to them!

Having regained his composure, Mr. G. propels your motor 75 horsepower and gave all he's got, heading to the lake.

The distance between them and the object gave them enough time to come ashore. They quickly got off the boat.

Looking back at the sky, they noticed that the object returned to its original position. In a few minutes Mr. and Mrs. g decide to try back along the river to the house of their neighbors. Shortly after going into the water object again makes a move to go down on the two frightened witnesses. Again pulling the ship to shore, they balisle the boat and ran to another house, loudly and excitedly calling friends.

Later, their friends will say that Mr and Mrs j were honestly and deeply scared to death of what he saw.

Now several witnesses to this unusual, shiny object just hovering above the trees that surrounded the quiet waters of the lake.

They watch the object for another 10-15 minutes, until finally he drove off through the night to West-Northwest. Knowing that they saw something unusual, they made a full report about the incident.

This unusual incident was carefully detailed by a team of national defence of Canada. Other details obtained through careful questioning of the witnesses revealed several important facts.

The object, though not show any light, made the trees move under him as he hovered. The apparatus differed from that of the moon, as both objects could be clearly visible simultaneously. The object had a traditional oval shape with a dome on top, estimated to be 25-30 feet (7.5 m-9.1 m) in diameter,

Although the object is rapidly swept across the sky, nor the witnesses, nor other guests in adjoining houses did not hear any sound. One guest noticed that around the time of the incident, he was listening to his radio when it suddenly stopped. Late in the evening, everything is working again.

The investigation team found several broken, withered the tops of the trees directly under the place where the object.

The analysis was done in Winnipeg and the results of this examination was, that was not offered reasonable explanation for damage to the branches of trees.

The report also indicated that they showed signs of fever, and in the samples there was no disease or insect infestation.

This is a classic case of a meeting of the second kind. This case was very well documented, and the object was listed as unexplained.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

What could be better than to be visiting Canada, a beautiful lake, night air, moonlit water? What a peaceful, relaxing idea that is. Unfortunately for two people, all of these nice things turned into a frightening experience, and changed their lives forever. From the notes of researcher Dr. Peter Millman comes this true story. At the time of this story, Millman was working for the Nation Research Council of Canada. He received the facts of the case from the Department of National Defense.

The two people, who gave their report to Canadian officials, have asked to remain anonymous, for fear of ridicule. It was on June 18, 1967 that their case begins. Taking a nice, peaceful boat right down a northern Ontario lake, Mr. and Mrs. G. were visiting friends, and began their ride back to their cabin. As they are enjoying the moonlit night, they were suddenly shocked to see a brilliant object of unknown object. This object was simply hovering about 50 feet above tree level, and approximately one-quarter of a mile away from them. Slowing their boat down, they make a turn to get a full view of this strange object. As they sit in wonder, suddenly the object begins to pick up speed, racing straight toward them! Regaining his composure, Mr. G revs up his 75 horsepower motor, and gives it all it’s got, heading to the lake’s shore.

The distance between themselves and the object allows them just enough time to arrive on the bank. They quickly exit the boat. Looking back up into the sky, they see the object has taken back it’s original position. After a few minutes of time, Mr. and Mrs. G decide to try a return trip back down the river to their neighbors’ house. Shortly after launching into the water, the object again makes a move to descend upon the two terrified witnesses. Again outracing the craft to the shore, the two ditch the boat, and run to another house, loudly and excitedly rousing their acquaintances. Their friends would later state that Mr. and Mrs. G were honestly and profoundly frightened to death by what they had seen.

Now there were several more witnesses to this unusual, brilliant object..just hovering above the trees that surrounded the quiet waters of the lake. They watch the object for another 10-15 minutes until finally it races into the night to the west-northwest. Knowing that they had seen something quiet extraordinary, they make a full report of the incident. This unusual occurrence was meticulously detailed by Canada’s National Defense team. Other details derived from a thorough questioning of the witnesses revealed several important facts. The object, though it did not show a light of any kind, caused the trees to move below it, as it hovered. The craft was distinguishable from the moon, as both objects could be clearly detailed simultaneously. The object was a traditional oval shape with a dome on top, estimated at 25-30 feet across, and 10-15 feet tall.

Though the object rapidly streaked through the sky, no sound was heard by the witnesses, nor other guests at cabins in the vicinity. One guest did observe that at about the time of the incident, he was listening to his radio, when it suddenly went dead. Later in the evening, it was working fine again. The investigative team discovered a number of broken, wilted limbs directly below where the object had hovered. An analysis was made in Winnipeg, and the results of that examination was that no reasonable explanation could be offered for the damage to the tree limbs. The report also stated that the limbs showed signs of heat, and the samples contained no diseases or insect infestation. This is a classic case of an encounter of the second kind. This case was very well documented, and the object was listed as unexplained.


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