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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1596101775
Added Thu, 30/07/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.1968 21:00
Виаман - RS

The owner of the Lagoa Negra Fazenda, his wife and two children, and Manager of the Fazenda he had seen a UFO in disc form. He was about 9 feet (2.7 m) tall and 30 feet (9.1 m) wide, with a round dome shaped hat on top. He had a metallic luster and emitted very strong red light when soaring at a height of about 6 feet (1.8 m) above the ground, at a distance of 400 yards (360 m).

Next to him appeared doesexist 6-foot (1.8 m), dressed in white overalls with wide belts. They were distinguished by shoulder-length hair, and the fact that they were barefoot. These creatures were still, not bending legs.

Then appeared 3 more beings shorter than 4.5 ft (1,4), dressed in brown overalls, also with long hair. They quickly went, but remained near a UFO.

Two high beings went on, finally opening a gate in the fence, which was surrounded by a courtyard, and were about 60 yards (54 meters) to the house.

When the wife opened the door, and in horror I called the husband, the creatures turned and walked over to the object. All five entered and the object rose vertically. 5 family dogs remained unusually docile throughout the visitation.

Footprints, large and small, were later found at the scene.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Date: early January 1968
Location: Viamao Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil
Time: 2100
Summary: The owner of the Lagoa Negra Fazenda, his wife and two children, and the Fazenda manager all saw a UFO that was disc shaped, about 9 ft high and 30 ft wide, with a round hat shaped dome on top. It had a metallic gleam and emitted a very powerful reddish light as it hovered about 6 ft above the ground, 400 yards away. Two 6-foot tall men appeared beside it, dressed in white coveralls with broad sashes, they had shoulder length hair and ware barefoot. These beings walked stiffly, without bending their legs. Then appeared 3 more beings less than 4.5 ft tall, wearing chestnut brown coveralls, likewise with long hair, these 3 walked about rapidly, but remained near the UFO. The two tall beings walked further away, finally opening a gate in the fence around the yard and advancing to within 60 yards of the house. When the wife opened the door and called out to her husband, in fright, the two turned around and walked to the object; all five entered and the object rose vertically. The family’s 5 dogs remained unusually docile throughout the visitation. Footprints, both large and small, were later found at the site.
Source: Jader Pereira, FSR Case Histories # 5


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