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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Poltergeist. Germany

ID #1596733258
Added Thu, 06/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
01.06.1968 22:00

The main witness and others were in the Cambrai-Fritsch-Qasem (Seventh army evac-hospital) outside Darmstadt. The Odenwald forest was right outside their fence. Their barracks were 20 feet (6 m) from the fence. Their squad was in the field, therefore, was not "light-off" and they were playing pool.

Soon they noticed that he had noticed a small white fire (as the twinkling lights on the tops of Christmas trees), and began to watch them. Then they noticed that the balls do not fall into the pockets of the table, as they should, they seem to slightly deviate. Men thought that there is something unusual, but had no idea what it is.

The main witness began to feel that he was being watched and mentioned it. At least one person had a similar feeling. This really bothered the men, and one of the recruits, who was only seventeen, "went crazy".

The main witness imagined that whatever it was, "can read their minds," and he must have thought about UFOs. Then a strange feeling subsided, and he went to bed.

Shortly after he lay down, he had the feeling that he was sucked from his body. It seemed that his legs and body part are at a right angle to how his physical body was lying on the bed, and his shoulders and head were still in it. In fear he began to concentrate on something else and noticed that the fear weakened him in his "struggle" with anything. Then he focused on the memories of the girl and was soon able to stand.

He was afraid to go back to sleep, so I went back to the billiard table and wanted to wait until dawn to try to sleep. Some time later he went up to the fourth floor in a friend's room and looked out the window just in time to see the object as oval-shaped leaves from the tops of the trees. It was bright orange.

The witness and his family members had to see in the future.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Date: June 1 1968
Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Time:  2200-00.00A
Summary: The main witness and others were stationed at the Cambrai-Fritsch Kaseme (Seventh Evac Hosp Army) outside Darmstadt. The Odenwald Forest was right outside their fence. Their barracks was 20ft from the fence. Their unit was “in the field” so there was no “lights out” and they were playing pool. Soon they noticed they noticed small white Christmas like lights flickering in the tree tops and started watching them. They then noticed that the cue-balls wouldn’t go in the pockets like they should, they seemed to veer away a little. The men thought that there was something peculiar going on but had no idea what. The main witness began to get the feeling of being watched and mentioned it. At least one other person had a similar feeling. It was really bothering the men and one of the new recruits, just seventeen, “was freaking out”. The main witness imagined that whatever it was “could read their minds” and he must have been thinking UFO because he thought telepathically to whatever it was to leave before the young soldier really lost it completely and contact him after he got back home. The odd feeling subsided and he went to bed. A little after lying down he had the sensation of being sucked out of his body. His legs and part of his body felt like they were at a right angle to how his physical body was lying on the bed and his shoulders and head were still in it. Fearful, he began to concentrate in something different and noticed that the fear made him weaker in his “fight” against whatever it was. He then concentrated on a girlfriend and was soon able to get up. He was afraid to go back to sleep so he went back to the pool table and wanted to wait until daylight to try to sleep. A while later he went up to the fourth floor to a friend’s room and looked out the window just in time to see an oval-shaped object take off out of the top of the trees. It was fiery orange in color. The witness and members of his family were to have further sightings.
Source: NUFORC


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP) (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Voskhod Payload: Kosmos 223 (Zenit-2 #62)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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