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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1597168036
Added Tue, 11/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.07.1968 03:00
Kabardino-Balkarskaya Respublika

In the mountain village, witness Viktor Kostrykin lay on a haystack on one of the many pastures in the area. There was no one else.

At about 03:00 he suddenly saw an unusually bright vertically falling "meteorite". Then the brightness diminished. The object descended, leaving a smoky outpouring in close proximity to the witness, sinking down the spiral.

He instantly sat down in amazement and waited for an imminent explosion, but there was only silence. There was a small forest next to him, and from there he felt that something was watching him, and he was inspired by an all-consuming sense of horror.

He looked back and saw a humanoid figure on fire standing motionless. He immediately fell out of the haystack and ran as fast as his feet could.

It's The One. - in his feverish state he thought.

In his fast-paced run, he forgot about the ten firecrackers he took with him to scare off wild animals. In panic and confusion he stopped.

His ability to move left him, he could not control his limbs. Every hair on his body stood on end. He was completely free of pain, but he was poured cold sweat, his heart beat like a drum, and his consciousness was clear. Soon he was gripped by a sense of "suspended animation" and his oppressive fear dissipated.

His previous feelings gave way to a wonderful sense of lightness that filled his entire being. Then he heard his voice calling. Over the hill he saw a disk-shaped object of enormous size, which could not be built on Earth.

He was bright and radiant. Around its center was a circle of portholes, which radiated bright light. As he got closer to the object, he realized that they were not portholes. In fact, they were round necks of tubes. There were no portholes in the earthly sense of the word.

Each tube throughout the radius of the ship penetrated deep into the bowels of the object. Like spokes from the rim of the bicycle wheel, they ran to the hub. The light coming from the baths was a soft milky hue. This strange light circled around the body of the object, as if it were under the influence of a magnetic field. It seemed as if you were in a cocoon in a sea of light.

He was met by an alien, outwardly very similar to a man, except for some small details. Several flames ran through his silver jumpsuit. He later disappeared.

This silver figure had five-fingered hands and other limbs similar to human proportions. It was slightly above average height. The person in their immediate presence perceived them as ordinary human dimensions. Their real height was 5-6 meters (they can compress the size or increase it). The color of their shape was light, and there was a glow around their heads and legs. The figures were slender, thin, with normal proportions. Their movement was smooth, slow and sublime.

They didn't like people talking or waving their hands. The witness was repeatedly stopped, asking: "Speak or keep quiet, and do not wave with your hands." He was invited to the spaceship by gesture.

He crossed the threshold (where all the forces of the Earth stop outside). It was warm inside. It was warmer than the pastures at the time. The sound of his footsteps was muffled. The light inside the ship was soft, not like electric or our daytime. There were no sharp strong shadows. The light was falling from above, warm, tender-milk. He couldn't remember seeing light bulbs or lamps.

Near the wall there was a remote control with colored flickering buttons. All furniture or units entered or came out of the walls or floor. There were no curtains or bolts on the walls, but the walls could move apart, and a screen appeared.

Inside he saw additional figures. There were five of them on the ship. They looked like twins and dressed equally. Their heads were big and oval. Their faces were beautiful, and there was something special about them. Somehow he caught the feeling that they were looking through him and knew his every thought. There was no hostility or curiosity on their part.

The most special were their big round eyes. It seemed that they could see everything around them. On their heads there was something like a skullcap made of "gold and stones." From the outside, it was like a field cap. He was later told it was a "brain phone" to transmit thoughts and conversations over long distances.

He soon noticed that there were no buttons or zippers on the jumpsuit, and they were all wearing silver overalls and shoes on a thick sole. Their hair was gray and short, and their faces were young, without wrinkles.

The witness introduced himself as an indigenous Caucasian. He was told that there were only 4 indigenous people in the Caucasus, that all the others were either mixed or brought there.

The aliens spoke telepathically, using the perfect modern Russian language. They spoke very politely and respectfully. Their voices were young, different in timbre. They didn't open their mouths when they chatted.

They spoke a language between them, an unknown witness. He could remember one word that sounded like "Tayla-Lyla."

They invited him to sit in a chair and said in Russian, "We are on our way to the mountain," pointing towards Elbrus.

As he sat in his chair, he was approached by two aliens, who looked like twins. One of them had long black gloves on his hands. He noticed that they had long thin fingers, and was impressed by the quality of the gloves. that were absolutely black.

They then took his left hand, turned it on its side, took his thumb aside, and took a piece of skin between his index finger and thumb using a strange device. It was pretty quick, with no pain or blood.

The witness was curious what gloves they were wearing, suggesting they were for some medical purpose when suddenly a hand in a black glove with all five fingers began to sink into his chest. He was wide-eyed watching this unusual (spectacular) performance. It was only when his fingers touched his heart that he felt a great pain and screamed, his hand in a black glove immediately drawn up, leaving no trace of blood on his chest.

Apparently, the witness was healed from an old heart disease. He was eventually returned to the same place where he was taken.

Original news

In a mountain settlement the witness, Victor Petrovich Kostrykin was lying out on a haystack on one of the numerous pastures in the area. There wasn’t anybody else around. Around 0300A he suddenly saw an unusually bright vertically falling “meteorite”. Then the brightness diminished. The object descended trailing a smoky effusion at a very close proximity to the witness, coming down in a spiraling movement. He instantly came to a sitting position amazed and waited for an imminent explosion, but there was only silence. Close to him was a small wooded area and from that place he sensed something watching him and he was instilled with an overwhelming feeling of terror. He looked behind him and saw a humanoid figure in flames standing still, unmoving. Immediately he fell out of the haystack and ran as fast as his legs would carry him. I thought it was a “Yeti” an Abominable Snowman. He thought in his fevered condition that the Yeti had been torched by our technology and was now in his pain, going to revenge himself upon him. In his headlong rush he had forgotten ten firecrackers he had taken with him, in order to scare off any wild animals. In his panic and confusion he came to a dead halt. His ability to move deserted him; he had no control over his limbs. Every hair on his body stood on end. He was completely free of any pain, but broke into a cold sweat, his heart thumped like a beating drum and his conscious mind was clear. He was soon gripped by a feeling of “suspended animation” and his oppressive fear dissipated. His previous feelings gave way to a wonderful sense of lightness filling his whole being. He then heard a voice calling him. Behind the hill he saw disc-shaped object of immense proportions that could not be of Earth construction. It was bright and glowing; it had a circle of portholes around its center which emitted a bright light. On drawing closer to the object he realized that they were not portholes. They were in fact round mouths of tubes. There were no portholes in the earthly sense of the word. Every tube along the whole radius of the craft pierced deep into the bowels of the object. Like spokes from the rim of a bicycle wheel, they ran to the hub. The light coming from the tubs was a soft milky hue. This strange light circled the body of the object as if under the influence of a magnetic field. It gave the impression of being cocooned in a sea of light. He was met by an alien of very similar appearance to a human being, except in some small details. There were a few tongues of flame running across his silver coverall, which later disappeared. This silver figure had five digit hands and other limbs of similar proportions to humans. He was of slightly higher than average height. Later they explained that a man being in their close presence perceives them to be of regular human dimensions. Their real height is 5-6 meters. They can compress dimension or extend it. The color of their uniform was light and around their heads and legs there was a luminescence. The figures were slim, thin with normal proportions; their movement was staid, slow and sublime. They didn’t like when anyone spoke loudly, or wave their hands. They stopped the witness numerous times asking: “Speak, be quiet, don’t wave your hands”. By gesture he was invited into the spacecraft. He crossed the threshold (where beyond stops all of Earth’s powers). It was warm inside. Warmer than on the pastures at that time, his footsteps were muffled. The light inside the craft was soft, not like electrical or our daylight. There were no sharp strong shadows. The light was warming soft-milky, falling from above. He couldn’t remember seeing any bulbs or lamps. Near the wall there was a control desk with colored glimmering buttons. All furniture or aggregates went in or out of the walls or floor. There weren’t any curtains or slide valves on the walls, but walls can move apart and a screen appear. Inside he saw additional figures. There were five of them in the craft. They looked identical like twins and dressed the same. Their heads were large and oval in shape. Their faces were handsome and had something special on their features. Somehow he perceived the feeling that they looked through him and knew his every thought. There wasn’t any hostility or curiosity from their side. The most particular thing was their large wraparound eyes; it seemed that they could see all around them. There was something on their heads that looked like a skull cap made of “gold and stones”. From the side it looked like a field cap. Later he was told that it was a “brain phone” for long distance talks-thoughts transmissions. Soon he noticed that there weren’t any buttons or zippers on the coveralls and all of them were dressed in silver coveralls and thick soled shoes. Their hair was gray and short, and their faces young without wrinkles. The witness presented himself as a native Caucasian. He was told that in the Caucasus there were only 4 native nations that all others were either mixed or brought there. The aliens spoke by using telepathically using perfect modern Russian. They spoke very politely and respectfully. Their voices were young, different in timber and directions. They didn’t open their mouths when they communicated. Among themselves they used a language unknown to the witness; he could remember one word that sounded like “Taila-Laila”. They invited him to sit on an armchair and told him in Russian, “We are now on our way to the mountain” pointing in the direction of Mount Elbrus. As he sat on the armchair two extraterrestrials looking like twins came up to him. One of them had long black gloves on his hands. He noticed that they had long thin fingers and was impressed by the quality of the gloves, which were absolutely black in color. They then took his left hand, turned it edgewise, pulled the thumb aside and took a piece of skin between first finger and thumb using a strange device. It was quite fast without any pain or blood. The witness was curious as to what kind of gloves they were wearing guessing they were for some medical purpose when suddenly the hand in the black glove with all 5 fingers began to sink into his thorax. With wide opened eyes he watched this unusual (spectacular) performance. Only when the fingers touched his heart that he felt a strong pain and screamed, the black gloved hand immediately retracted leaving no traces of blood on his chest. Apparently the witness was healed from an old heart condition. He was eventually returned to the same location where he was originally picked up.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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