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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Unknown creatures. Argentina

ID #1597743924
Added Tue, 18/08/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
14.08.2020 18:05
Спелусси La Pampa

On Friday, a local man named Gustavo contacted infopico.com and reported that a group of cyclists had found a cow in Spulussi.

According to the man, the animal "did not have an anus and part of the side. There were no traces or traces of blood - only traces of the cow itself, indicating where it came from."

Gustavo briefly added that "we found it strange, as such events have not happened for a long time." He also presented the video.

Original news

Source: PLANETA UFO and InfoPico (Argentina)
Date: 14 August 2020, 18:05 hrs.

Argentina: Cyclists Come Across Mutilated Cow in Speluzzi

On Friday, a local resident named Gustavo contacted infopico.com to say during the afteroon, a group of cyclists had found a mulitate cow in Speluzzi.

According the man, the animal "was missing its anus and part of the flank. There were no footprints or blood trails - only the cows's own prints, pointing to the direction from which it had come."

Gustavo briefly added that "we found it odd, as such events had not occurred for a long time." He further submitted a video to be shared with the public.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.

Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.

The main signs of this injury:


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

It is generally believed that animals found in this state have been abducted by aliens or attacked by some unknown animal (such as chupacabra), but these are natural postmortem changes in an animal that has died in open space.


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Post-mortem changes

Because ordinary people are rarely familiar with the nuances of postmortem changes in organisms, it can often take them for something mystical.

Gray meat flies eat rotting tissue, leaving a sharp edge. This explains the "surgical" removal of organs and parts of the skin. However, such behaviors of the flies many take for the interference of aliens or attacked by unknown creatures.

The main signs of this injury:

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