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Parallel world. United States

ID #1600247396
Added Wed, 16/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Меркьюри, NV
United States

A former us air force pilot recalls a 1972 incident near mercury, Texas) on a secluded stretch of highway (case 63625 from the mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database). 

The pilot was at Keno AFS (Oregon), outside of Kingsley field.

 "I was the operator of the altitude radar installation during my stay there on the mountain. I was ordered to go to Udorn in 1972. In August 1972, I gathered my family with my wife at the time, a young daughter who was born in may 1971, and a small Labrador Retriever puppy. We were going to Laredo, Texas, on vacation, where both our families live, and my wife will live with her parents while I'm gone."

The witness describes the trip. 

"I was driving a 1971 Mustang Mach I and towing a trailer with most of our stuff. I remember that we left early in the afternoon and intended to stop only if necessary to get home as soon as possible. 

The vet gave the Labrador puppy a small dose of tranquilizers to calm him down and fall asleep as he rode in a dog carrier at the back door of the trailer. He was very comfortable and I didn't anticipate any problems as long as we stuck to our schedule. 

The baby was fed and slept in the back seat, where we put a spare cot."

Then an eyewitness noticed something unusual while driving through a deserted area. 

"At about 2 a.m., we were driving West on a long dark stretch of road, but we could see that it was one of those roads that goes on forever, and then over a distant hill, another highway, if you know what I mean. 

My wife was asleep when I first saw what looked like a roadblock about a mile ahead." 

The witness described the upcoming scene.

"I could see the reflection of the cross lanes on the low wooden structure - so I thought of it as a road block. But I started to wonder, why is there a roadblock right now? I was driving at about 70 mph. So I knew I'd get to it soon. 

I woke my wife up to see if she had seen the same thing. I started to slow down anyway, because I'm a law-abiding person who is used to following orders."

But as we got closer, everything looked more unusual.

"When I got closer, I didn't see anyone at the checkpoint, only a low structure of the checkpoint stretched across the right side of the highway. 

I was one city block away from the checkpoint, and there was still no one there." 

Then the witness started hearing his dog. 

"Suddenly our puppy started howling, not like a puppy howl or squeal, but like some monster from hell and a very loud howl, and continued to do so until we passed this area. All my hair stood up on the back of my neck."

The couple felt that they were in danger of something. 

"My wife and I looked at each other, and I stepped on the gas pedal, feeling very dangerous. Something told me to go on and not stop, and I obeyed. I drove around the checkpoint on the left side. My wife and I were looking to the right. 

It was oddly arranged, and it looked like three raised platforms rising around a cleared Central square, like a basketball court with bleachers, but without one side. It was illuminated by very bright lights. 

One elevation faced South and was approximately 100 feet (30.4 m) across, while the other two faced each other East and West about the same length, and all three were connected by the South side of the open.

There were a lot of very white men in the area, and they were all wearing bright blue jumpsuits and running around. 

There was a lot of equipment around this platform, but the Central part was clean, almost like a short runway or a large landing pad."

 But my wife saw different colors. 

"My wife said that she saw the same thing, except that she saw them in white overalls, and that they all seemed bluish to her. I looked in the side mirrors and no one was following us. No fire. No police , nothing. 

I accelerated to 75 mph and didn't slow down from 30 minutes to an hour. I still slowed down and saw that my wife was still nervous, and our daughter was still fast asleep, and the puppy was silent."

The witness said he needed a place to stop. 

"I started looking for a place to stay and relax. I saw a light on our right in the vicinity of the highway, so I slowed down and carefully drove into what looked like an old-style store Parking lot, with the lighting swaying in the warm desert wind from the store, and I even remember it making a rusty sound as it swayed back and forth."

The witness thought it was a good place to stay for the night. 

"I told my wife that we would stay here, and in the morning we could have something to eat or drink there. We agreed. I remember getting out of the car and seeing the outline of the front of the store as I walked back and calmed down before getting back in the car."

But then his next memory will change everything. 

"The next thing I remember, there was a sharp knock on my car window. It was a man checking to see if we were all right. I was fully awake and remembered that I felt as if I'd been sleeping for a hundred years, the best I've ever felt or since, and fully energized. 

The man was not happy and said he wanted to know how the accident happened?

 I said, " what's the accident?"

He said " yours. You are 200 feet from the highway, in the middle of the desert. I just happened to see it when I was driving by."

He asked if we were all right. I looked around. My wife was just waking up, and my daughter was still fast asleep. I said I felt great." 

Then the witness looked around more closely.

"I looked around. There was no window, no sign fluttering in the wind, no store. We were in a field by the highway. It was a clear, Sunny day. My reaction at the time was careless and very strange. I checked the puppy. He was fine. The car and trailer looked normal. I looked like I'd left the highway in a straight line to where I was." 

The witness also noticed something strange about the truck driver - he wondered how he noticed them.

"I noticed that the truck driver was driving what is commonly referred to as an 18-Wheeler and that it was parked far to the left on the highway where we stopped. I thought at the time that he must have excellent eyesight. He said, " come on, pull off the road to make sure the car is okay." 

At this time, the witness noticed damage to his trailer.

"At the same time, I noticed the unevenness of the trailer axle. On further inspection, I saw that it was bent. I can't imagine how this could have happened if I hadn't strayed and hit something the night before, but I remember being careful. 

I thanked the truck driver without exchanging any information." 

The witness continued his journey. 

"Anyway, I had to drive at 45 miles an hour until we got to the next city. I'm not sure, but I think it was mercury (Nevada). 

In this small town, I stopped at a service station, where I was told that the trailer was destroyed and too dangerous to drive. 

At the time, I didn't have enough money to rent another one, so I sold some of our stuff and gave the rest, along with the puppy, to the owner of the service station. We took it all in stride and just kept driving.

It only started to bother me years later. By 1981, I had divorced my then-wife, and life went on. 

But I still talk to her from time to time, and the incident comes up, and she still remembers the same thing. I didn't report this earlier because of my position in the US air force. 

Later, I worked in the air force intelligence and as a crew member of the E3 training squadron. Then I worked in the US government Agency, where I also feared some consequences. I'm retired now. That was a long time ago. Even if it meets the parameters Of the law on secrets, it has been about 40 years, and by now it should be declassified."

Mercury is a gated community in Nye County, Nevada, five miles North of U.S. route 95, 65 miles Northwest of Las Vegas. It is located at the Nevada test site and was built by the atomic energy Commission to house and maintain the test site's personnel. 

The specific site was known as Jackass Flats, NV, and the nearby Nevada Test Site 400. Today, the site is managed by the U.S. Department of energy. As part of the polygon, the city is not accessible to the General public. 

It was named after the mercury mines that flourished in its vicinity a century before the city itself was founded. The current population is unknown.

Original news

A former airman in the USAF recalls an incident from 1972 near Mercury, TX, along a lonely stretch of highway that includes missing time, according to testimony in Case 63625 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The airman was stationed at Keno AFS, Oregon, out of Kingsley Field. “I was a Radar Height Operator during my time there on the mountain. I received orders to go to Udorn, Thailand in 1972. In August of 1972 I packed my family with wife at that time, and young daughter who was born in May of 1971, and a young Labrador Retriever puppy. We were heading to Laredo, TX, for some leave, where both our families resided and my wife would be living with her parents while I was away.”

The witness describes the trip. “I was driving a 1971 Mustang Mach I, and towing a trailer with most of our belongings on it. I remember we left in the early afternoon and intended to stop only as necessary so as to make it home as soon as possible. The Labrador puppy had been given a small dosage of tranquilizer pills by the base vet so as to keep him calm and sleep since he was riding in a dog carrier at tailgate of the trailer. He was very comfortable and I foresaw no problems as long as we kept to our schedule. The baby was fed and asleep in the back seat where we had set up a make shift crib.” Then the witness noticed something unusual during the drive along a desolate area. “At about 2 a.m. we were heading west on a long dark stretch of road but could see it was one of those roads that went on forever and then over a distant hill, more highway if you know what I mean. My wife was asleep when I first saw what looked to be some sort of a road block set-up ahead about a mile ahead.” The witness described the upcoming scene. “I could see the reflection of the cross stripes on a low wooden type structure – which is why I thought of it as a road block. But I started to wonder why a roadblock at this time? I was traveling at about 70 mph. So I knew I would soon come up to it. I woke up my wife to see if she saw the same thing. I started to slow down anyway because I am a law abiding person, used to taking orders.”

But as they got closer, it looked more unusual. “As I got closer I saw no one at the road block, just the low road block structure strung across the right side of the highway. I was about one city block length away from the road block and still no one manning it.” Then the witness began to hear his dog. “Suddenly our puppy in the back started to howl, but not like a puppy howl or yelp, but like some sort of monster from Hell and very loud howling and just continued to do so till after we passed this area. All my hair stood up on the back of my neck.” The couple felt that they were somehow in danger. “My wife and I looked at each other and I hit the gas pedal, feeling very much in danger. Something told me to go and not stop, which I obeyed. I swept around the roadblock on its left side. My wife and I both looked to our right. There was a strange set up and it looked like three daises (raised platform) raised around a cleared center area, like a basketball court with bleachers, but one side missing. Very bright lights illuminated it. One dais was facing south and about 100 feet across more or less and the other two facing each other east and west about same length and all three connected with the south side open.”

The witness described people in the area.

“In this area were many men, or not, very white in coloring and they were all wearing what I saw was bright blue overalls and scampering around. There were many pieces of equipment around the inset of the dais but the center part was clear almost like a short runway or large landing pad.” But the man’s wife saw different colors. “My wife said she saw the same thing except that she saw them wearing white overalls and that they all looked bluish in coloring to her. I looked in the side mirrors and no one was following us. No lights. No police – nothing. I was going about 75 mph and didn’t slow down for at least 30 minutes to an hour. I did slow down though and saw that my wife was still nervous, but that our daughter was still fast asleep and the puppy was quiet.” The witness said he needed a place to pull over. “I started to look for a place to stop and rest, with people around. I saw a light to our right in the near distance just off the highway, so I slowed down and carefully pulled into what looked like an old style storefront parking area with a light swinging in the warm desert breeze from the store and I remember it even made that rusty sound as it swung back and forth.”

The witness thought it was a good place to stop for the night. “I told my wife we would stay here and in the morning we could get something to eat or drink there. We agreed. I remember getting out of the car and I could see the outline of the store front as I went in back and relieved myself before getting back into the car.” But then his next memory would change everything. “Next thing I remember there was a sharp knocking on my car window. It was a man checking to see if we were alright. I woke up fully and remembered that I felt as though I had slept for a hundred years, the best I had ever felt or since and fully energized and alive. The man was not excited and said he wanted to know how the accident happened? I said what accident? He said yours. He said you are 200 feet from the highway, sitting in the middle of the desert. I just happened to see you as I was driving by. He asked if we were alright. I looked around. My wife was just waking up and my daughter was still fast asleep. I said yes I feel great.” Then the witness checked his surroundings more carefully.

“I looked around. There was no storefront – no store sign swinging in the breeze and no store. We were in a clearing off the highway. It was a bright sunny day. My reaction at that time was nonchalant and very strange when I look back at it. I checked on the puppy. He was fine. The car and trailer looked fine. I looked like I pulled off the highway in a straight line to the position I was found in.” The witness also noticed something odd about the truck driver – wondering how he had noticed them.
“I did notice that the truck driver was driving what is typically called an 18 wheeler and that he was parked far to the left on the highway of where we ended up. I thought at that time, boy he must have great eyesight. He said go ahead and pull off the road to be sure the car is okay.” At this time the witness noticed damage to his trailer.

“As I did this I noticed a bump in the trailer axle. Upon further inspection I could see it was bent. I can’t think of anyway it could happen unless I pulled off and hit something the night prior, but I remember being careful. I thanked the truck driver without exchanging any information nor did he offer any.” The witness pulled away and continued on his journey. “Anyway I was regulated to going about 45 mph until we hit the next town. I am not sure, but I think it was Mercury, Nevada. At this small town I stopped at a service station that told me the trailer was ruined and too dangerous to continue with it. Being an airman at the time I had little money to rent another one so instead I sold some our belongings and gave the rest away along with the puppy to the service station owner. We took it all in stride and just kept going.” But the events of that night eventually began to bother the witness.

“It only started to bother me years later. By 1981 I had divorced my then wife and life went on. But I still speak to her on occasion and this incident does come up and she still remembers the same thing. I did not report this sooner because of my position with the USAF. I later worked in Air Force Intelligence and as a crew member of an E3training squadron. I then worked for a U.S. Government agency where I also feared some sort of repercussions. I am now retired. This happened a long time ago. Even if it falls along the parameters of the Secrets Act, it has been about 40 years and by now should be declassified.”

Mercury is a closed city in Nye County, NV, five miles north of U.S. Route 95 at a point 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. It is situated within the Nevada Test Site and was constructed by the Atomic Energy Commission to house and service the staff of the test site. The specific site was known as Jackass Flats, NV, and nearby Nevada Test Site 400.Today, the site is governed by the United States Department of Energy. As part of the test site, the town is not accessible to the general public. It was named after the mercury mines which flourished in its general vicinity a century before the town itself was established. The current population is unknown


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