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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1600250315
Added Wed, 16/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
пляжа Дания
United States

The main witness was at a night camp with two friends when he decided to go for a night walk alone. 

As he walked along the beach, alone in the wet wind and misty fog, he reflected on the world and his place in it. He was suddenly startled to feel a hand placed on his shoulder. But it was not a human hand, it was the hand of an alien, mentally transmitting the sense of calm that overwhelmed the witness. 

He realized that this tall alien had touched his shoulder and indicated that he should look over his head at the lighted window in the UFO. 

There he saw several aliens who at first glance looked like busy people in uniform. They were standing at an angle, and some of them were looking directly at him. The hand that touched him didn't seem to let him get a good look. 

Then he realized that a rather large UFO was hovering silently above him. Hismind was full of questions, as the alien's touch gave him a strong visual representation that he was not alone and that his insignificant life on this planet, human life, mattered. After that, everything went dark. 

His next memory was when he saw daylight and found himself alone on the beach again. 

UFOs and Windows disappeared, as well as alien satellites. Over the next few months, he avoided thinking about UFOs and Windows, although both he and his girlfriend repeatedly saw a small, large-headed man about 4.5 feet (1.3 m) tall chasing them. 

Finally, one day, out of curiosity, he crossed the street and asked what he wanted. He said in a strange, inhuman voice: "You will find out." Then he asked him if he was in the UFO he saw, and he replied: «Yes». I begged him to leave me alone, but he said: "That would be impossible."

The witness was puzzled, as he did not remember seeing the short aliens during the meeting on Denmark beach.

Original news

Date: August 1972
Location: Near Dania Beach, Florida
Time:  night
Summary: The main witness was camping out with two friends at night when he decided to gofor a night walk alone. As he walked along the beach with the solitude of the damp wind and misty fog, he wondered about the world and his place in it. Suddenly he was startled to feel a hand that was placed upon his shoulder. But it was not a person’s hand; it was an alien’s hand that mentally communicated a feeling of calming which flooded the witness. He realized that this tall alien person was touching his shoulder and pointing for him to look up over his head, at a lit up window in a UFO. There he saw a few aliens that at first glance looked like busymen in uniform. They were standing at an angle and some of them looked downright at him. The alien hand touching him seemed to resist his effort to take a closerlook. Then he realized that a fairly large UFO was hovering silently above him. Hismind was filled with questions as the alien’s touch communicated to him a strongvisual image that he was not alone and that his insignificant life on this planet, hishuman life, actually mattered. Everything went blank after that. His next memorywas when he saw daylight and found himself alone on the beach again. The UFOand the windows were gone, and so were the alien companions. For the next severalmonths he avoided thinking about the UFO and the windows, although both himand his girlfriend repeatedly saw a small large headed man about 4 ½ feet tall whoseemed to haunt them. Finally one day out of curiosity, he crossed the street andasked him what he wanted. He said in a weird, non human voice, “You will findout.” Then he asked him if he was with the UFO he saw and he answered, “Yes, weare.” I begged him to please leave me alone but he said, “That would be impossible.”The witness was puzzled since he did not remember seeing short aliens at the DaniaBeach encounter.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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