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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Belgium

ID #1601478574
Added Wed, 30/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

After getting up to go to the bathroom, the 28-year-old witness noticed a small figure from his kitchen window in the enclosed courtyard behind his home. 

The creature was clad in a tight-fitting glowing green jumpsuit, and on its head was a transparent spherical helmet attached by a tube to a backpack. He used a tool similar to a mine detector to examine the brick bits in the yard. 

When the witness illuminated the scene with a flashlight, the creature turned to the window and raised one hand, showing the V sign with two fingers. The head was dark, except for two brightly glowing eyes, above which were lids that flickered down over the glowing iris. 

Then the entity turned to the wall surrounding the courtyard and walked along the sides on stiff legs at right angles, clearing the upper part and disappearing from view from the far side. 

A few minutes later, a disk with flashing colored lights and a transparent dome at the top rose from the other side of the wall. Inside the dome, the witness could see a small creature. It slowly rose vertically, swayed back and forth, and then soared into the sky at high speed. 

The witness had another sighting four months earlier along with others on the Belgian coast. And four months later, he, his wife and others saw another object while driving to Brussels.

Original news

Date: December 15 1973
Location: Vilvorde Belgium
Time: late night
Summary: Upon arising to go to the bathroom, the 28-year old witness observed from his kitchen window a small figure in the enclosed courtyard behind his house. The entity wore a close fitting, luminous green coverall and had a clear spherical helmet over his head, which was attached by a tube to a backpack. He was using an implement similar to a mine detector to examine brickbats in the courtyard. When the witness played his flashlight on the scene, the being turned toward the window and held up one hand, displaying the V-sign with two fingers. The head was dark except for two brightly luminous eyes, over which were seen eyelids that blinked by lowering over the luminous iris. The entity then turned toward the wall enclosing the yard and walked up the sides stiff legged, at right angles, clearing the top and disappearing from view on the far side. Several minutes later, a disc with flashing colored lights and a transparent dome on top, rose from the other side of the wall. Inside the dome the witness could see the little being; it rose vertically slowly, rocked back and forth and then shot off into the sky at high speed. The witness had had one other observation four months earlier, with others, on the Belgian seaside; and four months later he, his wife, and others saw still another object as they drove to Brussels.
Source: Webb in 1973 The Year of The Humanoids


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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