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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Spain

ID #1603120035
Added Mon, 19/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Салильяся Huesca

While several local residents watched a glowing reddish "cloud" hovering over the area, the main witness, Agustin, was preparing the annual Christmas tree a few feet from his home when he suddenly noticed a strange "vehicle" resembling a dome shape. The platform was approaching its location.

At the top of the platform were two very tall creatures, one of them a woman who called the witness by her name. The object then hovered a few feet away from the witness. 

Both creatures were more than two meters tall and were dressed in dark skin-tight diving clothing. Both were very pale, and the woman had very long dark hair. 

The woman left the platform and approached the witness, leaving the man behind. She told the witness that they came from another world and came here to "help humanity." 

To prove this, she ordered Agustin to touch the nearest stone, and water would flow out of it. He did so, and evidently felt that his hand was wet. A startled witness watched as the woman boarded the floating platform again and left.

The witness remained exhausted and unable to move for about 15 minutes. He was never as energetic as before, and died of heart failure shortly after this meeting.

Original news

Location. Salillas, Huesca, Spain
Date: December 12 1976
Time: night
At the same time that several locals watched a luminous reddish “cloud” hovering over the area, the main witness, Agustin, was preparing the annual Christmas tree a few feet from his house when suddenly he noticed a strange “vehicle” resembling a dome shaped platform approaching his location. On top of the platform stood two very tall beings, one of them a woman who called the witness by his name. The object then hovered a few feet from the witness. Both beings were over 2 meters tall and wore dark tight fitting scaled diver’s outfits. Both were extremely pale and the woman had very long dark hair. The woman left the platform and approached the witness, leaving the man behind. She told the witness that they had come from another world and that they were here to “help humanity.” In order to prove this she instructed Agustin to touch a nearby stone and water would flow from it. He did and apparently felt his hand wet. Frightened, the witness watched the woman reboard the floating platform and leave. The witness remained drained of energy and unable to move for about 15 minutes. He was never as energetic as he was before and soon after this encounter died of cardiac failure.

Source: Bruno Cardeñosa  


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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