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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United States

ID #1604069094
Added Fri, 30/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
18.03.1978 21:15
Саммервилл, SC
United States

Previously, The William J. Herman had seen strange objects in the area. 

On the date indicated above, he noticed a silvery disc-shaped object, about 60 feet (18 m) in diameter, making triangular maneuvers overhead. He ran towards the object, crossing the swampy area by the river. The object suddenly rushed towards him, the witness began to fall as a tubular beam of blue light surrounded him. The beam of light led to a ship, now hovering nearby. 

He became disoriented and numb, then lost consciousness. He woke up lying on a table in a hospital-like room that glowed red. His shirt was unbuttoned, and a cold metal box rested on his chest. 

The three creatures were in the room, looking at a row of flashing lights and a TV screen. One of them used telepathy to speak to the witness and led him through a curved corridor and a small airlock into a room filled with computers and other equipment, apparently a control room. 

The creatures were humanoid, with large bulging and hairless heads, almost no jaws, small mouths, slit nostrils, and no ears. The eyes were large, luminous, and rarely blinked. 

The creatures ranged from 4 to 5 feet (1.2-1.5 m) tall, seem frail, with pale soft skin. They were wearing red jumpsuits. One of the creatures turned out to be the leader and guide. 

The chief told the witness, among other things, that they were with Zeta Reticuli and that time was short for humanity. Then they took him back to the first room and made him lie down on the table again. He felt relaxed, then lost consciousness. 

He soon found himself on the ground, looking up as the object rose from him.

Original news

Date: March 18 1978
Location: Summerville South Carolina
Time: 2115
Summary: Previously William J Herman had seen strange objects over the area. On the above date he spotted a silvery disc shaped object, about 60 feet in diameter, performing triangular maneuvers overhead. He ran towards the object, cutting across marshy ground near a river. The object suddenly rushed towards him, he started to fall when a tubular beam of blue light enclosed him. The beam of light led to the craft, now hovering nearby. He became disoriented and numb, then lost consciousness. He woke up lying on a table in a hospital-like room that glowed with a red light. His shirt was open and a cold metallic box sat on his chest. Three beings were in the room and were looking at a row of flashing lights and a TV screen. One being spoke by using telepathy to the witness and led him through a curving hallway and a small airlock to a room filled with computers and other equipment, it was apparently the control room. The beings were humanoid, with large bulging and hairless heads, almost jawless, with small mouths, slit nostrils and no ears. The eyes were large and glowing and seldom blinked. The beings were 4 to 5-feet tall, seemingly frail with pale, soft skin. They wore red overalls. One of the beings appeared to be the leader and guide. The leader told the witness, among other things, that they were from Zeta Reticuli and that time was short for humanity. He was then led back to the initial room and made to lie down on the table again. He felt relaxed then passed out. Soon he found himself on the ground looking up as the object rose away from him.
Source: Wendelle Stevens, Dr. James Harder


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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