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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Brazil

ID #1604574360
Added Thu, 05/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1978 01:00
Сан-Педро-Фазенда - SP

A tractor driver on a local plantation went to the tractor yard and connected the trailer to the Tractor when he noticed a human-like figure sitting on the roof of the trailer. The figure carried a bright object like a flashlight.

The figure was described as tall, wearing a loose-fitting shiny jumpsuit and an opaque helmet. The figure shone a flashlight on the witness, who suddenly became confused and lost his willpower.

The figure motioned for him to start the tractor, which he did. He drove up to the feed depot and loaded several bags into the trailer, watching the figure with the bright flashlight.

After a while, the figure turned the light back on the witness, blinding him and apparently causing him to lose consciousness.

Later, he awoke to find himself in a different place on the plantation. A metal object floated next to it. The object had a door in the front and a staircase that descended to the ground, as well as bright circular lights around its lower periphery that changed colors sequentially.

Behind the nearest barbed wire in the field, three similar people were standing, all carrying bright objects that looked like flashlights, and then walked through the wire as if it wasn't there at all. They were talking to each other in a sort of chirping sound. Later, the witness again lost consciousness from the bright light.

Later, the creatures apparently entered the object, which rose and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

The witness also saw one of the men soar into the sky with a bright flashlight and disappear from view.

Original news

Date: August 1978
Location: Sao Pedro Fazenda Sao Paulo Brazil
Time: 0100A
Summary: A tractor driver at a local plantation had gone to the tractor yard area and had connected a trailer with a tractor when he noticed a human like figure sitting on top of the trailer. The figure carried a bright flashlight type object. The figure was described as tall, wearing a loose fitting shiny overall and an opaque helmet. The figure shone the light at the witness who suddenly felt confused and lost his will power. The figure motioned to him to start the tractor, which he did. He drove on to the feed yard and loaded several bags into the trailer closely watched by the figure with the bright flashlight. After awhile the figure shone the light at the witness again dazzling him and apparently causing him to loose consciousness. He later woke up and found himself at a different location in the plantation. Near him floated a metallic object. The object had a door in the front and a ladder protruding down to the ground, it also had bright round lights around its lower periphery that changed colors in sequence. Behind a nearby barbwire on a field stood three similar individuals, all carrying bright flashlight like objects, these then walked through the wire as if it had not been there. They were talking among themselves in a chirping type sound. The witness was later rendered unconscious again by the bright light. Later the beings apparently entered the object, which rose up and vanished in a puff of smoke. The witness had also observed one of the men shoot up into the sky carrying the bright flashlight and disappear from sight.
Source: Dr. W Buhler MD, FSR Vol. 28 # 2


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