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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1604592738
Added Thu, 05/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.08.1978 02:30
Moskovskaya oblast

The witness, Sharkov, was staying at a boarding house near a local lake when he woke up early in the morning with an uncontrollable desire to swim. 

Making his way to the outhouse located near the shore, he heard a loud crash and saw at a distance of about 100-150 meters and about 3-4 meters above the water an object resembling a helmet, but much more rounded and thick. Thinking that some new weapon was being tested, he decided to approach it (!). 

Feeling some fear, he swam to the object, hearing the rumbling sound again. When Sharkov swam up to it, he noticed that the water under and around the object was luminescent and shiny. 

When he was almost under the object, he looked up and saw a glowing green circle around the perimeter of the object. He didn't see anyone on Board the ship, but he was sure he was being watched. 

After swimming for about 30 minutes, he decided to swim to the shore, but then a metal cylinder suddenly fell from the center of the ship. After it reached the surface of the water, the cylinder opened and approached the witness, who tried to swim away, but was suddenly pulled into the cylinder. The cylinder immediately closed and the water flowed back into the lake. The witness felt the cylinder rise. 

A few minutes later, the cylinder opened, and the witness found himself in the "flight" room, lit by an unknown light source, in the center were two chairs. Soon he hears a low rumble and a voice speaking in beautiful Russian tells him not to be afraid that he will not be harmed. He is told that they knew everything about him and that they were from another constellation in a distant galaxy.

The room around him darkened, and he saw the obvious holographic images and diagrams of the alien's star system. He is made to understand that 4 aliens are "assigned" to this object, but he never sees them. He is also told that they control gravity and are forbidden from making full contact with earthlings, as this will undoubtedly bring confusion and destruction to humanity. During the conversation, he seems to temporarily lose consciousness. He pleads with the invisible aliens not to take them away, but is reassured, as they say they already had enough people with them.

Soon he was carefully submerged in the water and swam back to shore.

Original news

Date: August 30 1978
Location: Moscow region, Russia
Time: 0230A
Summary: The witness, Sharkov, was staying at a boarding house near a local lake when he woke up early in the morning with an uncontrollable desire to expiate. While making his way to the outhouse located near the shore he heard a loud rumble and saw at a distance of about 100-150 meters and at about 3-4 meters above the water an object resembling a helmet, but much more rounded and thicker. Thinking that it was some kind of new weapon that was being tested, he made a decision to approach it (!). Feeling a certain degree of fear he swam towards the object, again perceiving the rumbling sound. As the Sharkov swam towards it he noticed that the water under the object and around it was fluorescent and shiny. When he was practically under the object he looked up to see a glowing green circle on the perimeter of the object. He could not see anybody onboard the craft but he was confident that he was being observed. After swimming around for about 30 minutes he decided to swim back to shore but as he did a metallic cylinder suddenly descended from the center of the craft. After it reached the water surface the cylinder opened and it approached the witness, who attempted to swim away but was suddenly drawn into the cylinder. The cylinder immediately shut and the water was released back into the lake. The witness felt the cylinder rising up. After several minutes the cylinder opened and the witness found himself inside a “flight” room that was illuminated with an unknown source of light, there were two armchairs in the center. Soon he hears a soft rumble and a voice speaking in perfect Russian, tells him not to be afraid, that no harm will come to him. He is told that they knew everything about him and that they were from another constellation in a far galaxy in space. The room around him darkened and he saw apparent holographic pictures and diagrams of the alien’s star system. He is made to understand that there are 4 aliens “assigned” to this object, but he never sees them. He is also told that they control gravity and are forbidden to engage in full contact with earthlings since this will undoubtedly bring confusion and destruction to humanity. During the conversation he apparently looses consciousness temporarily. He pleads with the unseen aliens not to be taken away, but he is reassured since according to them, they already had a sufficient number of humans with them. Soon he was gently deposited back into the water and he floated back to shore. It was already 0400A when he noticed a dazzling bright light illuminated the surroundings like daylight and when he looked, the object had disappeared.
Source: UFOZONE Russia


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