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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. France

ID #1604767048
Added Sat, 07/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
10.1978 22:00

19-year-old Marcel was driving his two-cylinder bus when he was suddenly overcome by a strange feeling and was forced to drive along an isolated, little-used road.

The car seemed to be driving itself. the Citroen doesn't seem to touch the ground when it reaches a spot in the forest area. Soon Marcel saw at the bottom of the ravine a huge sphere with a diameter of 15 to 20 meters, hovering at a height of about 10 meters from the ground.

The car suddenly stops right under the sphere. The car door opens and Marcel is forced to pass under a sphere that resembles a translucent light bulb. 

Suddenly, a semi-transparent cylinder descends from the sphere, completely covering the witness, and forms a base at his feet. Then it moves inside the sphere. Once inside, he encounters two creatures, 1 person about 1.70 m tall. They wear a molded metal combo suit. These creatures had a larger head than usual, completely bald, but attractive beauty.

The second figure is larger, about 1.90 m, with long blond hair and a white tunic. On his forehead was a red bandana decorated with a triangle inside a white circle. 

He saw two other larger, more muscular creatures with brown hair and sunken cheeks who might have passed for normal people if not for their strange "face". 

The wall suddenly dematerializes in front of him, and he enters the second room. There's one of the creatures (which one?) it is presented as " Haurrio "and transmits a large amount of information about the" origin " of the earth and the upcoming inevitable cataclysms. 

Further contacts are reported. 

Original news

Location. Gironde, France
Date: Middle of October 1978
Time: after 2200
19-year old Marcel was at the wheel of his 2-CV when he is suddenly overcome by a strange feeling and is compelled to follow an isolated little used road. The vehicle was as if was driving itself. The Citroen does not appear to be touching the ground as it reaches a spot in a wooded area. Soon Marcel sees at the bottom of a ravine a huge sphere about 15 to 20 meters in diameter, hovering at about 10 meters from the ground, the car suddenly stops right under the sphere. The car door opens and Marcel is compelled to walk under the sphere, which resembles a translucent light bulb. Suddenly a translucent cylinder descends from the sphere totally covering the witness and forms a base at his feet. He is then transported inside the sphere. Once inside he is confronted by two beings, 1 human like about 1.70 m in height, wearing a molded metallic combination suit. This being had a larger than normal head, totally bald, but had an attractive beauty about him. The second figure is larger, about 1.90 m, with long fair hair and wearing a white tunic. In his forehead he wore a red bandana decorated with a triangle within a white circle. He saw two other larger muscular beings with brown hair, and sunken cheeks which could have passed for normal humans except for their strange “countenance”. A wall suddenly dematerializes in front of him and he enters a second room. There one of the beings (which one?) introduces himself as “Haurrio” and conveys a large amount of information about the “genesis” of the earth and upcoming inevitable cataclysms. Further contacts are reported.
Source: Jimmy Guieu, Our Masters the Extraterrestrial ones


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