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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Poland

ID #1605530408
Added Mon, 16/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.02.1980 00:40

The witness Stanislaw T, was sitting in the kitchen feeling a little hung-over after the get-togethers with friends. As he sat at the kitchen table listening to radio Free Europe, he suddenly heard a strange voice behind him. 

He looked around and noticed four small men standing nearby. They were about 70 cm tall, similar to humans, and looked about 35 years old. All four were identical to each other. 

Unable to move freely, the witness started talking to the attackers. He first asked them what they were doing there, but got no answer. Then he asked the little men if they had come to the UFO. Surprisingly, he received an affirmative answer to this question. 

The witness was surprised at how they entered the house, as everything was locked. He was told that they were there all the time, but they can't always be seen. The witness could not understand how this could be possible, and was told that they were at a very high level of evolution and could do such things. 

The witness then asked if they were from an "American movie" about invaders from outer space. The little men reply that they were really quite real and did not participate in any film. 

The witness then asked the strangers if they were so smart and powerful, why they didn't help Earth prevent humanity from destroying everyone in a nuclear Holocaust. He didn't get a response. 

He then asked them if he could Wake his wife and daughter, but again received no response and saw no reaction.

 His last question was whether they would ever return in the future, again unanswered. Then Stanislav put his head on the table for a while, looked up, and to his surprise, the creatures disappeared. 

He immediately woke up his wife and daughter and told them what had happened, they did not believe him. The next day, he went to the police station and reported the incident.

Original news

Location: Witkowice, near Czestochowa, Poland
Date: February 8 1980
Time: 0040A
The witness, Mr. Stanislaw T, was sitting in the kitchen feeling a little hung-over after an afternoon with friends. As he sat on the kitchen table listening to Radio Free Europe he suddenly heard a strange voice coming from behind him. He looked back and noticed four little men standing nearby. They were about 70cm tall human-like and looked to be about 35 years old. All four were identical to each other. Unable to freely move the witness began to talk to the intruders. He first asked them what were they doing there, but received no answer. He then asked the little men if they had come in a UFO. Surprisingly he received an affirmative answer to this question. The witness expressed surprised as to how they had entered the house since everything was locked. He was told that they were there all the time, but cannot always be seen. The witness could not understand how that could be possible, and was told that they were in a very high state of evolution and were able to do things like that. The witness then asked if they were from an “American film” about invaders from space. The little men reply that they were indeed real enough and not part of any movie. The witness then asked the strangers if they were so intelligent and powerful why didn’t help the earth in preventing humanity to destroy everybody in a nuclear holocaust. He received no answer. He then asked them if he could wake his wife and daughter, but again received no reply and saw no reaction. His last question was if they were returning someday in the future, again no answer. Stanislaw then briefly put his head on the table, looked up and to his surprised the entities had vanished. He immediately woke up his wife and daughter and told them about the incident, they did not believe him. The next day he went to the police station and reported the incident.

Source: Prof. Bronislaw Rzepecki, Krzysztof Piechota “UFO nad Polska” (UFOS above Poland) 1996


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