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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Canada

ID #1605625258
Added Tue, 17/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1980 08:00

One morning, a witness was walking down an alley and a man in a pink shirt and black trousers was standing in the Alley.

As he passed the man, the man grabbed the witness's arm. The witness thought he heard the man mutter the following words:” if you could only know the clock, " but he muttered it so that the witness could not hear him properly.

The man did not let go of his hand, no matter how much the witness resisted. He held his hand very tightly with only his left hand. Then he heard footsteps approaching from behind. The witness turned his head, but saw only someone's shoulders. He grabbed him under the armpits and felt his body become very light.

He saw a man in a pink shirt fly up into the sky. Then he felt that he was doing the same.

Then he was lying naked in the alley. His car and house keys were in his pocket, but he didn't have a coat. When he heard someone coming, he jumped into a nearby dumpster and quickly slammed the lid shut.

He sat in this dumpster for several hours until night fell. He heard a lot of people passing by, but he didn't have the courage to go out. He decided to leave at night, because then no one would be around.

He slipped out of the dumpster and started looking for something to cover him. He found some black garbage bags and wrapped them around himself. He then walked through the city on his way to the police station. A police car pulled up and offered him a ride to the station. He told them everything that had happened.

Apparently, the police recorded the incident as a rape and did nothing.

Original news

Location: Alberta, Canada (exact location not given)
Date: July 1980
Time: 0800A
The witness was walking through an alley one morning and standing in the alley was a man in a pink shirt and black trousers. As he walked past the man this one grabbed the witness by the arm. The witness thought he heard the man mumble the following words “if only you could know the clock”, but he mumbled it so that the witness couldn’t hear him properly. The man wouldn’t let go of his arm no matter how hard the witness struggled. He had a very strong grip on his arm with just his left hand. Then he heard footsteps coming from behind him. The witness turned his head around but all he could see was someone’s shoulders. He grabbed him under his arms and he felt his body feeling very light weight. He saw the man in the pink shirt fly into the sky. He then felt himself doing the same. He was then lying nude in the alley way. His car keys and his house keys were in his coat, but he didn’t have his coat. He heard someone coming so he jumped into a nearby dumpster and shut the lid quickly. He stayed in this dumpster for sever hours until it was nighttime. He heard lots of people walking by but he didn’t have the courage to get out. He decided to leave during the night since there would not be anybody around then. He slipped out of the dumpster and began to search for something that would cover him. He found some black trash bags and wrapped them around himself. He then walked through town on his way to the police station. A police car actually drove up to him and offered him a ride to the station. He told them everything that happened. Apparently the police recorded the incident as a rape and didn’t do anything about it.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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