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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Canada

ID #1605625853
Added Tue, 17/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Суррей, BC

Salina Quayle got up at night to go to the bathroom; when she returned to the bedroom, she found a strange smell in the room, but could not identify it.

Suddenly frightened, she went to the window and closed it, at the same time feeling that something was about to happen. 

When she got into bed, she threw a blanket over herself and suddenly found herself "frozen" and unable to move. Then, to her horror, she saw a figure near her bed. The visitor telepathically told her not to be afraid, while at the same time radiating a sense of warmth and well-being. The room was completely noise-free, which was highly unusual since the couple lived near a major highway and traffic was a constant backdrop. 

Again the faceless figure said to her:

"We won't hurt you." 

At that moment, she noticed three other similar customers in the corner of the bedroom, talking together, one of whom seemed to be sitting, although as far as she didn't know, there wasn't anything suitable to afford such comfort. 

The visitor then told her that he was going to look at the baby. Then, leaning down, he ran his hand over her stomach and looked inside. After a pause, he waved his hand again, as if to close the cavity. Closing her eyes, she suddenly heard a rushing, buzzing, throbbing sound. 

She opened her eyes, and the figure was still there. She closed them again, and when she opened them this time, everything was back to normal.

Original news

Location: Surrey, British Columbia
Date: July 1980
Time: night
Salina Quail got up during the night to go to the bathroom; upon returning to the bedroom she detected a strange odor in the room but was unable to identify it. Suddenly she felt frightened, went to the window and closed it, at the same time having a strong sense that something was going to happen. As she lay down in bed she pulled the blanket over her and suddenly found herself “frozen” and unable to move. Then to her horror she saw a shape alongside her bed. The visitor told her telepathically not to be afraid, at the same time radiating a sense of warmth and well being. The room was completely devoid of noise, something that was extremely unusual as the couple lived alongside a major highway and traffic was a constant background. Again the featureless shape told her “we are not going to hurt you.” At this point she noticed three other similar visitors in the corner of the bedroom talking together, one of who appeared to be sitting down, though on what she did not know as to her knowledge there was nothing suitable to afford that comfort. The visitor then told her that he was going to look at the baby. Then leaning over, he circled his hand over her abdomen and peered in. Pausing a moment he circled his hand again as if to close up the cavity. Closing her eyes she could suddenly hear a rushing, humming, pulsating sound. She opened her eyes and the shape was still there. She closed them again and on opening them this time found that everything was back to normal.
Source: Graham Conway, UFO BC


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