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UFO. Poland

ID #1606914678
Added Wed, 02/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.08.1983 20:52
рука Буг

The following photos were taken by Mr. Michal Kurk, an artist who has been doing photography for 42 years

The submitted photos were taken on August 22, 1983 at 20: 52 on the road between Molozhev and Grodek on the bug.

In Grodek on the bug river, I held a photo class for young people from the Voivodeship of Siedlecki called "Grodek 83". On the eve of the observation, several students shared the following information with me:

"We saw UFOs, it was a fantastic experience. Please believe us." 

I answered:

"Who came up with this joke? You can't fool me. Then I was stunned by a lot of details, and it was often said that the UFO will definitely appear the next day. I didn't believe them, but... I came up with the idea that this would be an excuse to take some photos for the [post-session] exhibition showing the bends of the bug river in Molozhevo.

After dinner, we went to the specified location. We took some interesting photos in anticipation of the alleged UFO. The expected moment has arrived, but ... nothing.

At about 20: 30, I said, " Let's go back." 

I heard: "Please wait a bit."

I said we could watch the sky on the way back to Grodek. Because the supposed UFO was supposed to appear behind us, one person was walking at the end [of the group] and watching the sky. We changed the subject and soon almost forgot about UFOs (no one prepared a camera to photograph the "spaceship").

Suddenly I heard a cry: "here's a UFO!»

Everyone turned around. Some only watched the phenomenon and forgot about the photos. The others began to search for the correct position for the image, setting parameters. I was also surprised.

When I took the first picture, I noticed that I was illuminated - a red light fell on me. I took two more pictures while observing this phenomenon and wondered if the UFO was an unknown meteorological phenomenon. This lasted about 20 seconds. Then there was a brief lull.

"We said a UFO was coming, and it did."

I said, " I don't know if it was a UFO or something." But I was wondering why some of them were sure that a UFO would appear the next day in the same place.

All the way back to Grodek was spent exchanging experiences between us. We agreed on the color of the light that illuminated us and the shape of the moving object.

The object was located at a distance of 300-500 meters, or even less - this distance is difficult to estimate. I wonder if the object will be visible in the photo.

Unfortunately, everyone had problems with their cameras, and most of the images were blurry, in some cases very much so. 

"The submitted photos, where "something" can be seen, were taken by me."

The photos were taken by the BELPASCA camera. The witness also mentioned the fact that the photos [because they were taken with a stereoscopic camera] should be almost identical, but this is not the case.

Original news

Following photos were taken by Mr. Michal Kurc – an artist who does the photography for 42 years. Mr. KURC’s RELATION:

“Presented photos were taken on 22nd August 1983 at 20:52 on a road between Molozew and Grodek on Bug [read: Moulouzhsev and Grudek – NOL].

In Grodek on the Bug river I carried out a photo class for young people from Wojewodztwo Siedleckie called “Grodek 83”. On the day before the observation, some apprentices shared with me following information:

“We have seen a UFO, it was a fantastic experience. Please, believe us.” I replied: “Who had invented this joke? You won’t trick me.”

Then I was overwhelmed with a great amount of details and it was often said that the UFO would surely appear on the next day. I didn’t believe them, but…I came forward with an idea that it would be an occasion to take some photos for a [post-session] exhibition presenting curves of the Bug river in Molozewo.

After supper we went to the mentioned location. We took some interesting photos waiting for the alleged UFO. The expected moment came but…nothing. At about 20:30 I said: “Let’s go back.” I heard: “Please, wait a while.”

I said that we could observe the sky on our way back to Grodek. Due to a fact that the alleged UFO was expected to appear behind us, one person was walking at the end [of the group] and observing the sky. We changed the subject of our conversation and soon we nearly forgot about the UFO (nobody prepared the camera in order to take a photo of the “spacecraft”).

Suddenly I could hear a scream: “Here is the UFO!”

Everyone turned backwards. Some were only observing the phenomenon and forgot about taking photos. Other began to look for the correct position to snap a photo, setting the parameters. I was also surprised.

After taking the first photo I noticed that I was illuminated – some red light descended on me. I took two additional photos observing the phenomenon and I wondered whether the UFO is an unknown meteorological phenomenon. It lasted about 20 seconds. Then a short calmness came.

“We said that UFO will come and it appeared.”

I replied: “I don’t know what it was – maybe a UFO or something else.” But I wondered why some of them were assured that UFO would appear on the next day at the same place.

All the way back to Grodek was spent on sharing experiences among us. We agreed on the color of the light that illuminated us and on the shape of the moving object.

The object was 300 – 500 meters away, or maybe less than this – it is hard to estimate that distance. We wondered if the object would be visible on the photo.

Alas, everyone had some disturbances with their cameras and the most of the pictures were blurred, in some cases very deeply. Presented photos on which “something” may be seen was taken by me.”

Photos were taken with BELPASCA camera. The witness mentioned also a fact that photos [due to a fact that they were taken with stereoscopic camera] should be almost identical but they aren’t.

Photos Courtesy: Mr. Michal Kurc


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