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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1608042729
Added Tue, 15/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1987 21:00
Puerto Rico

Four members The National Guard of Puerto Rico, along with three young children went to a secluded area to catch freshwater shrimp. 

During the night, one of the men broke away from the group and was looking around the river when he suddenly noticed a small figure between three and four feet tall (0.9-1.2 m) walking in the bushes. 

Curious and thinking it was a lost child, he followed it into the bushes. The small figure was walking sideways with an undulating gait. The others saw him enter the bushes and followed him. 

As they approached the figure, it suddenly turned around, and they saw that it was a thin humanoid with a large egg-shaped head, dark eyes, long arms and palms. The creature had a membrane that connected its torso to its shoulders.

 Looking at the creature, they noticed a glow on their backs, turning around, they saw a glowing disk-shaped ship descending from above. The ship landed in front of them, right behind the humanoid creature. 

in front of the ship were three powerful blinding lights that prevented them from observing any details of the ship. the moment the ship landed, they were all unable to move. the hatch door opened in front of the disk, and two more creatures similar to the one they were following emerged from it, descending the ramp and positioned themselves on either side of the first creature, placing their hands on the shoulders of the first creature looking at the humans. 

then the frightened people heard the middle creature say something in spanish. Then the three of them turned their backs on the group and ran inside the disc-shaped ship. 

After that, the ship rose into the air and very quickly flew to the top of the mountain, where it disappeared.

Original news

Date: July 1987
Location:  El Yunque Puerto Rico
Time:  2100
Summary:  Four members of the Puerto Rico National Guard, together with three young kids went to isolated area to fish for fresh water shrimp. At night one of the men became separated from the group and was looking around next to a river when all of the sudden he noticed a small three to four foot tall figure walking in the brush. Curious and thinking that it was a lost child he followed it into the brush. The small figure walked with a wavy motion gait to the sides. The others saw him entering the brush and followed him. As they approached the figure it suddenly turned around and they could see that it was a thin humanoid with a large egg shaped head, with dark eyes, long arms and hands. The being had a membrane that connected his torso with his upper arms. As they stared at the creature they noticed a glow to their backs, turning around they saw a luminous disc shaped craft descending from above. The craft landed in front of them, right behind the humanoid creature. The craft had three powerful and blinding lights in front of it, which prevented them from observing any details of the craft. At the moment the craft landed they all felt unable to move. A hatch door opened in the front of the disc and two more beings similar to the one they had been following came out of it, walking down a ramp and positioning themselves one to each side of the first creature, placing their hands on the shoulders of the first creature while looking at the men. The frightened men then heard the middle creature say something in Spanish. Then all three of them turned their backs on the group and ran inside the disc shaped craft. After this the craft rose in the air and flew away very fast towards the top of the mountain, where it disappeared.
Source:  Jorge Martin


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