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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Poland

ID #1608045149
Added Tue, 15/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
08.1987 19:00

Two witnesses, Mr. Kazimierz and Sofia S., were returning home from a nearby brick factory when suddenly Ms. S. saw a strange light that was floating in the sky. 

Her husband noticed it, too. The UFOs were moving at a very high altitude in a north-easterly direction. There were two oval objects of red color, the size of a house. The oval-shaped objects moved in absolute silence and seemed to descend behind a nearby house, about 300 meters away. 

When the witnesses arrived at their home, their house was suddenly illuminated by a strong white light that also illuminated the surrounding area. They saw a total of six light balls hovering over the area. 

Mr Kazimierz went to a neighbour's house and the two then noticed another strange object, described as a giant orange-red triangle, which was floating in a north-easterly direction, about 3km away. 

After 6 minutes, the triangle mysteriously disappeared, making a strange noise.

In the next few minutes, they realized that the neighbor's barn was on fire. They ran over to help put out the fire, but when they arrived at the scene, they noticed that there was no fire, only a bright light coming from three other balls of light that hovered at a low altitude above some fields. 

By this time, other family members had gathered to watch the play. 

Suddenly, one daughter, 16-year-old Barbara, started screaming:

"The little green men are coming our way from Rzeszow"! 

In front of the group, they saw a large "screen" that hung at a height of 20-30 meters above the ground. The screen was about 2.5-3 meters long. It was white with a black frame. He was approaching them very quickly. 

Horrified, some witnesses got on their motorbikes and drove away. Inside the screen, they noticed two figures in green "spacesuits" framed against a white background. the figures somehow resembled ordinary people.

 Other witnesses were able to better describe the humanoids and described them as wearing clothing resembling knight's armor or "dinosaur shell"; they were about 2.5 m tall. 

The screen became a wheel, a square again, and then a triangle. The performance lasted a few more minutes, and then around 22:00 all objects and humanoids disappeared.

Original news

Date: August 1987
Location: Bedzienice-Nockowa Poland
Time: 1900-2000
Summary: Two witnesses Mr. Kazimierz and Sofia S. were on their way home from a nearby brickyard when suddenly Mrs. S saw a strange light, which was floating in the sky. Her husband also noticed it. The UFOs moved at a very high altitude towards the NE direction. There were two oval objects, red in color and both were the size of a house. The oval shaped objects moved in absolute silence and seemed to descend behind a neighbor’s house, about 300 meters from them. As the witnesses arrived at their home their home was suddenly illuminated by a strong white light, which also illuminated the neighborhood. They saw a total of six balls of light hovering over the area. Mr. Kazimierz went to a neighbor’s house and both then noticed another odd object, described as a giant triangle, orange-red in color, which floated in the NE direction, about 3 km from them. After 6 minutes the triangle disappeared mysteriously, emitting a strange noise. In the next few minutes they then realized that the neighbor’s barn was on fire. They ran over to help extinguish the fire, but as they arrived at the site they noticed that there was no fire only a bright light coming from another three balls of light, which were hovering at a low altitude above some fields. Other family members had by now gathered to watch the spectacle. Suddenly one daughter, 16-year old Barbara began to scream: “Green men are coming in our direction from Rzeszow”! As the group watched they saw a large “screen” which hung 20-30 meters above the ground. The screen was about 2.5-3 meters long; it was white with a black frame. It moved very quickly towards them. Terrified some of the witnesses boarded motorcycles and drove away. Inside the screen they noticed 2 figures wearing green colored “spacesuits” framed on a white background. The figures somewhat resembled ordinary humans. Other witnesses were able to provide a better description of the humanoids and described them as wearing outfits resembling knight’s armor or “dinosaur’s carapace”; they were about 2.5 m in height. The screen changed to a wheel, back to a square and then to a triangle. The spectacle lasted for several more minutes and then around 2200 all the objects and humanoids disappeared.
Source:  Arkadiusz Miazga, Center for the UFO & Anomalous Phenomena Research in Cracow


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