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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Canada

ID #1608114516
Added Wed, 16/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.1987 01:00
Виннипег, MB

Dave Koval was in his bedroom getting ready for bed, and as he lay on his bed in the dark, he noticed a presence in his room that seemed to be next to his closet. Then he felt a strong tingling sensation in his body, and he was paralyzed. Then "someone" approached his bed. 

The figure's face was described as" cherubic " with folds of skin, slit-like eyes, and a thin mouth. He was wearing a tight helmet, and at the end of it was a rod with a lantern. 

The witness felt his mind being probed and remembered seeing images from his past. He also seemed to be able to see a football-shaped light through the curtains of his window. 

Soon everything was gone, and Dave was able to move again.

Original news

Date: November 1987
Location:  Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Time:  0100A
Summary:  Dave Kowal was in his bedroom preparing to go to sleep and as he laid on his bed in the darkness he became aware of a presence in his room that seemed to be near his closet. He then felt a strong tingling sensation in his body and became paralyzed. The “presence” then approached his bed. The face of the figure was described as “cherubic” with skin folds, slit-like eyes, and a thin mouth. He wore a tight-fitting helmet and carried a rod with a light at its tip. The witness felt his mind probed and remembered seeing images from his past. He also seemed to be able to see a football shaped light through the curtains of his window. Soon everything disappeared and Dave was able to move again.
Source:  Christ Rutkowski, Unnatural History True Manitoba Mysteries


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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