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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Canada

ID #1609863828
Added Tue, 05/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
22.08.1993 03:37
мыс Спир

John was watching TV for a while when he glanced at his watch and noticed the time, and then went back to the TV again. 

It was at this moment that he noticed strange lights in front of the hill opposite the house. At a distance of about 100 yards (90 m) at an altitude of about 150 feet was the object. The object was moving slowly. It had huge lighted windows, thirteen in all, on the sides, which were 8 feet (2.4 m) wide and 6 feet (1.8 m) high. Each had rounded corners, and the distance between them was about six feet. The object's altitude was lower than any aircraft he had ever seen. 

He went into the bedroom and took out his binoculars. 

The object was moving parallel to its position towards the ocean. It was impossible to see the outline and therefore the shape of the object. A fact that bothers John to this day. 

However, the windows were clearly visible due to the bright light that seemed to come from inside, although the cold light source was not visible. 

John opened the living room window and was alarmed to find that the object was not making any sound. Through the binoculars, he could see people to the left of the subject, sitting at tables in each window. There were also three or four people walking in a row, to and from the front and back of the facility, sometimes passing in groups without giving way. On the other side were tables where people were sitting, mostly three or four people at a table. They all wore the same gray uniform with high collars, which reminded John of something from the Civil War era. None of the people had hair on their heads, and no one wore hats or helmets of any type. They all seemed very similar in size and slightly folded. Looks like eastern growth. They were also very pale.

 Most of the people sitting there seemed to be drinking from very large white glowing cups. One group, however, kept looking at the table as if they were observing something John couldn't see. 

John says that by then he was sweating, shaking, and struggling to hold on to his binoculars. He also had difficulty swallowing.

The object then continued to move slowly over the water, then headed towards Conception Bay and disappeared from view.

Original news

Date: August 22 1993
Location: Cape Spear Newfoundland Canada
Time: 0337A
Summary: John had been watching television for some time when he glanced at the clock and noticed the time, then back to the TV. It was at that moment that he noticed odd lights in front of the hill opposite to the house. There was an object about 100 yards away at an altitude of roughly 150 feet. The object moved slowly. It had huge lighted windows, thirteen in all, along its side that appeared to be 8-ft wide and 6-ft high. Each had round corners and they were approximately six feet apart. The altitude of the object was lower than any plane that he had ever seen. He made his way to the bedroom and retrieved a pair of binoculars. The object moved parallel to his position and towards the ocean. It was impossible to see the outline and therefore the shape of the object. A fact that bothers John to this day. The windows were, however, highly visible due to a bright that appeared to be coming from inside though the source of the light cold not be seen. John opened the living room window and was disturbed to discover that the object did not emit any sound. Through the binoculars he could see people at the left side of the object sitting at tables that were in every window. There were also three or four people walking abreast, to and from the front and rear of the object, sometimes passing as groups without having to make room. There were tables on the other side as well with people sitting at them, mostly three to four people at a table. Everyone was dressed in the same, gray uniforms with high collars, which reminded John of something out of the civil war era. None of the people had any hair on their heads and none wore hats or helmets of any sort. They all appeared to be of very similar in size and slightly built. Oriental like stature. They were also very pale. Most of the people sitting seemed to be engaged in drinking from extra large white, luminous cups. One group, however, were staring continuously down at the table as if they were watching something that could not be seen by John. By now John says he was sweating and shaking and having a hard time holding onto the binoculars. He was also having difficulty swallowing. The object then continued to move slowly out over the water, it then went towards Conception Bay, disappearing from view.
Source: NUFOR


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