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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Ukraine

ID #1610377406
Added Mon, 11/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
23.07.1994 00:30

The man, identified as Filippitch reported that he saw outside of his apartment, a beam of light. 

Looking out, he saw a large egg-shaped object on the ground, about 4 meters high and three meters wide. The polished surface was like marble. 

He saw something like a crew of three "pilots", not described, but clearly similar to people. Two of the passengers left the ship, while the third remained on board, apparently working with some kind of earthmoving rig, which he used to drill a hole in the ground a meter deep, extracting soil into the ship. The other two inhabitants were collecting samples of vegetation and other organic matter. 

Soon, the humanoids returned to the ship, and the object left.

 Curious locals trampled the landing site, and the researchers noted a strong energy field emanating from the landing site. 

Shortly after meeting Filippitch felt a burning sensation in the upper right hand, and his right eye is severely inflamed. In addition, there were no other side effects. 

There is a possibility that as a result of the meeting, the witness acquired some paranormal abilities.

Original news

Date: July 23 1994
Location:  Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Time: 0030A
Summary: A man named Filippych reported seeing a beam of light outside his apartment. Looking out he saw a large egg shaped object sitting on the ground, about 4 meters in height and three meters in width. The polished surface resembled that of marble. He saw what appeared to be a crew of three “pilots” not described but apparently human like. Two of the occupants exited the craft while a third remained onboard apparently operating some type of digging rig, which he used to drill a hole on the earth a meter in depth, extracting the soil into the craft. The other two occupants meanwhile collected vegetation and other organic samples. Soon the humanoids returned to the craft and the object left. The curious locals trampled the landing site and investigators noted a strong energy field emanating from the site. Soon after the encounter, Filippych perceived a burning sensation on the upper right hand and his right eye became strongly inflamed. Besides that there were no other ill effects. There is a possibility that as a direct result of the encounter the witness acquired some paranormal abilities.
Source: UFO Ukraine, quoting Newspaper “Moment”


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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