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The Alien. Canada

ID #1610880876
Added Sun, 17/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Виннипег, MB

A strange case of alien abduction happened to an unnamed resident of Canada in the early 90s, when he was not just kidnapped, but moved to another city and told that he must move here to survive, as a huge Flood is coming.

In early January 2021, a resident of Winnipeg, Canada, shared his story online about what happened to him in his youth. He believes that most likely he was abducted by aliens.

"In the early' 90s, between 1989 and 1991, I rented a house on the south side of Winnipeg with my best friend. I was about 20 years old, healthy, in great physical shape, pragmatic and socially active.

One night I fell asleep and woke up to a bright light filling my bedroom. My room faced north, into the back yard of the house, and there was an open field, big as two city blocks, without houses or streets.

I found that I could not move, but with my peripheral vision I could see a figure to my left, and another figure was standing at the foot of my bed. I also felt that there were also figures on my right, but I couldn't see them. They were tall and their faces were hidden, as if they were wearing hoods or something was shadowing them.

Soon I felt myself rising from the bed and floating in the air. I "passed" through the wall and ended up in the backyard, after which I "floated" about 2 meters above the ground.

Next. what I remember is how I "float" on a dirt road, similar to the track from a tractor in a field. And I wasn't alone, there were several other people with me. I saw two women in nightgowns, and the rest were men or children. In total, there were about 10-15 people.

I couldn't see their faces because I couldn't move my head, I could only see what was right in front of me or peripheral vision. And up ahead, I could see a mushroom-shaped structure. It was a disk, from which a stand -"leg" - went down, reaching to the ground. In height, the "leg" was about 4 meters and almost the same or slightly more in diameter. A ramp ran from the foot to the ground. There was a hole at the bottom of the disk and it was slightly tilted.

Then it seemed to me that now I was no longer" floating", but walking on my own feet. I was walking along the ramp to the disk and now I could move my head and see what was happening around. When I went inside the disk, I saw in the center of the seats arranged in a circle, and in the center of the circle was a huge column. At its height, it could accommodate 5 or 6 people in full growth. The seats were arranged with their backs inside the circle.

I don't remember communicating with anyone inside, but I remember sitting in one of those seats and feeling like I was wearing some kind of protection, and then I felt a lot of acceleration. This is when the ship took to the sky. I remember looking out of the portholes and seeing the lights of Winnipeg recede incredibly quickly and disappear below, and then almost instantly we were in another city.

I remember seeing a very bright building there and realizing that we were in Calgary, Alberta. And I had a very strong feeling. that I have to go to this city to survive and that this is very important information. It was necessary because something was going to happen that would flood much of central North America and that if I went to Calgary, I would survive.

In general, it was very strange and I had never had such an experience before. When I got out of bed the next morning, I thought it was the most vivid and strange dream I'd ever had.

Then, as usual, I showered, dressed, and drove to work. On the way I listened to the radio and I heard there. that the night before, several residents north of Winnipeg saw a UFO in the sky. A chill ran down my spine and the experience has always unnerved me ever since.

I have not been able to find any mention of this event in the media available online, and I have never met other people who have had the same experience as mine, at the same time and in the same place. Therefore, I would be very happy if I could find such people, just to calm my mind.

And by the way, it was definitely not sleep paralysis, I had a sleep paralysis experience and it was terrible, but this is different."


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