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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1611401246
Added Sat, 23/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Dagestan, Respublika

Three witnesses, an elderly woman N. G., her granddaughter and a young woman named P., were returning home from a local cannery and, walking along the roadside near Ordzhonikidze Street near the bus stop, felt that they were being followed. They turned around and saw a very fancy white car with a low cab, N. G. had never seen such a car (all foreign cars were still very rare at that time in the USSR).

There were two people in the car. The driver was wearing a white shirt and a black tie. There was a wire protruding from his right ear, connected to a remote control in the car-probably some kind of communication device. The passenger, another man, rolled down the window and said, " Get out of here!":

“One of your group should come with us in the car."

He pointed to N. G., but the startled witness replied:

“I don't know you, and I'm not going in the car.”

Then the stranger said that she had a child and pointed to P. But P. also protested and also said that she did not know them.

At this moment, N. G. immediately grabbed her granddaughter by the hand and ran home. As she ran, she tried to turn around and heard P. shouting at the top of his voice, and then there was silence.

The next day, N. G. tried to find P., but she was nowhere to be found. However, after 4 days P. called N. G. and told her that she knew a lot about her, surprised N. G. asked her how she knew all this information, and P. told her that strangers had told her everything.

She told N. G. that the "aliens" had originally planned to take her away, but the presence of her granddaughter changed their plans.

"Who are they? N. G. asked, stunned.

P. told her that they were really " aliens” and took her with them, she was shown a lot, but ordered to keep quiet, otherwise they would not return her to Earth next time.

” Don't ask me anything else, " P said, and then she said good - bye, and they never saw each other again.

Original news

Date: February 1989
Location: Hasavuyrt, Dagestan, North Caucasus, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: Three witnesses, an elderly female N. G., her granddaughter and a young woman named P, were returning home from the local cannery factory and while walking on the roadside near Ordzhonikidze Street close to a bus stop they felt following and watching them. They turned around and saw a very bizarre white vehicle, with a low cabin, N.G. had never seen such a vehicle (all foreign cars were still very rare at the time in the USSR). Two persons sat inside the “car”. The driver was wearing a white shirt and a black tie; he had a wire going out of his right ear which was connected to the control panel in the car, apparently some type of communication device. The passenger, another male, rolled down the window and commanded, “One of your group must come in the car with us”. He pointed at N.G., but the frightened witness answered, “I don’t know you and I won’t go inside the car”. The stranger then said that since she had a child she was excused and pointed at P. But P. also protested, also saying that he did not know them. At this moment N.G. immediately grabbed her granddaughter’s hand and began to run home. While running she attempted to turn around and heard P. screaming at the top of her lungs and then silence. The next day N.G. attempted to find P. but she was nowhere to be found. However 4 days later P. called N.G. and told her things which she only knew about her, surprised N.G. asked her how she knew all that information and P. told her that the strangers had told her everything. She told N.G. that the “aliens” plan was originally to take her but the presence of her granddaughter had changed their plans. “Who are they”? Asked the stunned N.G., P. told her that they were indeed “extraterrestrials” and had taken her with them, she was shown many things but was ordered to keep silence, or they would not return her to Earth the next time. “Don’t ask me anything more” said P. she then said goodbye and they never saw each other again. N.G. later learned that P. had quit her job at the factory a month later.
Source:  Sergey Semenduev “Iks” paper for the Dagestan Center for The Study of UFOs and Anomalous Phenomena # 5 1991


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