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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Russia

ID #1611576504
Added Mon, 25/01/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Rostovskaya oblast

Local resident Lyudmila Yanshina was watching evening TV when she suddenly heard the heart-rending screams of her little daughter, who was currently sleeping in the next room. She burst in and found the girl crying hysterically. 

She told her mother that while she was sleeping, she suddenly woke up when something pushed her. She sat down on the bed, terrified, and looked around the darkened room. There was an area of diffused light directly in front of the bed, and in it stood a figure of medium height, looking like a man in a tight diving suit, bulging out as if filled with air. 

He had a round grand helmet, like a balloon, with an open face. The suit was dark in color. The face was also dark, and according to the girl, it was a woman, but with a thin long mustache hanging down under her nose. 

Horrified, the girl asked who she was. The only response was a strange growling sound. Still growling, she suddenly rose into the air, floating in the middle of the bedroom.

Terrified, the girl hid under the blanket and waited. The growling stopped, and the girl peeked out from under the covers, hoping that the strange creature had disappeared. But the figure, now slightly glowing, was still standing in the room. 

The girl screamed in horror:

"Please leave! I'm afraid!" 

After a few seconds, the humanoid's head disappeared, leaving only a bulbous body that was now floating in the air, swaying back and forth. 

The girl continued to scream as the figure moved away and seemed to shrink in size to the size of a fly, until it completely disappeared. After that, the girl continued to scream in horror.

Original news

Date: late February 1989
Location: Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: Local resident Ludmila Yanshina was watching the evening television when she suddenly heard the anguish cries of her young daughter, sleeping at the moment in the adjacent room. She rushed in and found the girl crying hysterically. The girl told her mother that while she slept she was suddenly awoken as something pushed her. She sat on the bed filled with fright and looked around the darkened room. There was an area of scattered light directly in front of the bed and within the light stood a medium height figure, similar to a man wearing a tight fitting diver’s suit, bulging as if filled with air. It had a round large helmet similar to a balloon which left its face exposed. The suit was dark in color. The face was also dark and according to the girl it was apparently a female but with thin long whiskers hanging under the nose. Terrified the girl asked who she was; the only answer was a strange growling sound. Continuing to growl it suddenly rose up into the air floating in the middle of the bedroom. Terrified the girl hid under the blankets and waited. The growling noise stopped and the girl looked from under the blanket hoping that the strange creature had gone. But the figure, now slightly glowing still stood in the room. Terrified the girl now yelled, “Please leave! I am afraid”! Seconds later the head of the humanoid disappeared leaving behind only the bulging body now floating in mid-air, rocking back and forth. The girl continued to scream as the figure moved back and appeared to decrease in size becoming the size of a fly until it completely vanished. The girl continued screaming terrified after that.
Source: Aleksey Priyma, UFOROUM Russia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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